Opening Thursday July 2nd, 2015 at Spoke Art
Beginning in 2012, Tim Doyle’s "UnReal Estate" series
has featured ingenious views of pop culture’s most iconic and beloved
TV landscapes with each show selling out in it’s entirety.
This year Tim’s taking the series to the big screen with 10 new limited edition screen prints, accompanying variants and pen and ink originals depicting some of cinema’s most surreal and beloved locales. Pieces are available individually or in full matching numbered sets of 50 featuring the entire show as well as exclusives.
This year Tim’s taking the series to the big screen with 10 new limited edition screen prints, accompanying variants and pen and ink originals depicting some of cinema’s most surreal and beloved locales. Pieces are available individually or in full matching numbered sets of 50 featuring the entire show as well as exclusives.
BetAndreas uz turli xil bonuslar va aksiyalarni taklif etadi, bu esa tikish tajribasining qiymati va hayajoniga sezilarli hissa qo'shadi. Yangi foydalanuvchilar uchun xush kelibsiz bonuslaridan tortib doimiy aksiyalar va sodiqlik mukofotlarigacha, bu rag'batlar har bir tikish uchun qo'shimcha qiymat qo'shadi. Ular nafaqat tikishning umumiy zavqini oshiradi, balki katta yutib olish uchun qo'shimcha imkoniyatlarni ham beradi.