Best Practices

Best Practices

10 principles for smooth web animations - The complete guide to getting 60fps animations with CSS.

About HTML Semantics and Front-End Architecture - Thoughts and ideas on HTML semantics, components and approaches to front-end architecture, class naming patterns, and HTTP compression.

Chasing Tools - An insightful approach for building for the web, as well as for learning in general.

Code Guide by @mdo - An awesome collection of standards for developing flexible, durable, and sustainable HTML and CSS.

Delivering Responsibly - Some challenges, practices and upcoming standards for delivering fast, resilient, accessible sites that are usable on any device as soon as possible.

Enhancing Optimistically - A robust approach to cutting the mustard that allows for adjustments to address browser-or-network conditions that could be handled in more fault-tolerant ways.

Isobar Front-end Code Standards - An excellent collection of guidelines and best practices by the front-end web development team at Isobar.

Labelling Form Elements - A short guide regarding the correct labels for elements in HTML forms.

Make the Web Work For Everyone - An overview on modern cross-browser compatibility and the tools that can help.

Meaningful CSS: Style Like You Mean It - A look at the advantages and techniques for writing semantic and meaningful markup.

Notes on Using ARIA in HTML - A practical guide for developers on how to add accessibility information to HTML elements using the Accessible Rich Internet Applications specification.

PageSpeed Insights Rules - Rules geared towards helping you identify ways to make your site faster and more mobile-friendly.

Responsive Enhancement - A detailed, responsive example of progressive enhancement in practice by Jeremy Keith.

Seriously, Don’t Use Icon Fonts - A list of issues associated with displaying iconography via @font-face and a recommended alternative with SVG.

Strategies for Keeping CSS Specificity Low - A collection of techniques aimed at keeping CSS specificity on selectors low in order to have more maintainable code.

Tools for Developing Accessible Websites - A collection of tools to help when developing accessible websites to be used by assistive technologies.

WAI-finding with ARIA Landmark Roles - An article that explains landmark roles in WAI-ARIA and how it can be used to more easily add website accessibility to your daily workflow.

The Web Accessibility Basics - A list of absolute web accessibility basics every web developer should know about.

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