

Architecting Front-end Styles - A simple approach for organizing styles to help with design and achieve a greater level of simplicity and consistency.

Frontend Guidelines Questionnaire - A one-page questionnaire to help your team establish effective frontend guidelines, so that you can write consistent & cohesive code together.

Getting Ready For HTTP/2 - The basics of HTTP/2 as they apply to web designers and developers, including key features of the new protocol, browser and server compatibility, and more.

Gulp for Beginners - A great overview into how to leverage Gulp to automate and enhance your workflow.

How to deploy sites via GitHub - A detailed look at how to deploy sites with GitHub, from setting up a repo to cloning a repo via SSH and beyond.

Mo' Pixels Mo' Problems - An excellecent article by Dave Rupert regarding high-pixel-density displays and how to approach them in a web design workflow.

A Modern Web Designer’s Workflow - An informative screencast by Chris Coyier on aspects of what it's like to be a designer and front end developer these days.

The Polish Checklist for Web Developers - A list of tweaks to consider whenever you build a website. Put together, these tips can go a long way towards making a website feel polished.

Responsive Image Workflow - A detailed post regarding the process and workflow when implementing a responsive image solution.

Styleguide Driven Development - A good post regarding Styleguide Driven Development, a practice that encourages the separation of ux, design & frontend from backend concerns.

Web Developer Checklist - A comprehensive web project checklist for developers.

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