Monday, June 29, 2015

Illustration: Depression

"Depression" by UK-based DestinyBlue
"Hi I'm Blue, and I struggle with mental illness.

Some of you will dismiss me, some of you will be scared of me, some of you will blame me, but a surprising amount of you will understand me, because 1 in 4 people experience mental health issues. Considering so many people experience it, we hear so little about it; it's the family secret you can't tell anyone, the fake smile so know one knows, the calling in sick but blaming food poisoning. It's hard for me to write about, but I write this hoping it makes it easier for the next person to speak about it."


  1. Depression is a very serious disease that entails terrible consequences. Depression is formed as a result of constant severe stress. But you can avoid stress if you take Blessed cbd Oil or capsules every day. It really solves problems with the nervous system. Proven!

  2. Although further research is needed, cannabis has been found to have antipsychotic effects on the brain. This helps the nervous system to connect all neurons and transmit appropriate messages to the parts of the body. As a result, research has shown that cannabis may be beneficial in treating schizophrenia and dementia.

  3. I also recently had depression. I couldn't sleep or eat. But I am our remedy, which helped me a lot. To improve your sleep quality, I can recommend you CBD gummies Just occasionally chew these gummies during the work day and before bed. You will reduce stress and get rid of anxiety, which will ensure you a sound and healthy sleep. I have tried it myself and therefore I can recommend it to you.

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  5. Can I please read less news on the Internet? I can't read about this smallpox anymore, I just moved away from the news about the coronavirus and stopped being nervous and now I'm worried about a new smallpox of some kind. I just want to buy cheap bongs and smoke to forget about anxiety and not worry about getting sick.

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