Thursday, January 22, 2015

Papercraft: Miniature Millennium Falcon

This tiny and insanely detailed Millennium Falcon was made completely from scratch. It enters hyperdrive by giving the universe a paper cut, thereby opening up space.

The whole thing is roughly business card size, so I am just amazed at all of the detail that he was able to put on this ship. Not bad at all for his first attempt at a scratch-built Falcon. Kraft says that the whole project went smoothly, although the cockpit gave him a bit of trouble and he had to redo it.

Check out the full build process at Kraft's blog, beginning with the Basic Frame and Mass.

"This little guy is as wide as a business card. I just cut pieces of paper without any kind of plan, slapping together what looked like it would work. Check the link above for all the process pictures."

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