Thursday, April 24, 2014

Video Game: Kingslapper

"We’ve had vicious kings, and we’ve had idiot kings, but i don’t think we’ve ever had a vicious idiot king" ~Tyrion Lannister~

When it comes to characters we "love to hate," the rest of the world is playing for second place, because Jack Gleeson's portrayal of the sneering adolescent King Joffrey is without doubt the single most reprehensible character in the history of television.  And while we may all have breathed a grateful sign of relief that the little turd is finally dead, the consensus seems to be that Joffrey didn't suffer nearly enough.  Television audience still have an itch to scratch.

Luckily for us, Chroma Engine has released "King Slapper," a browser-based game that lets player slap the living shit out of Joffrey to celebrate the fourth season of Game of Thrones.  In the game, players get six strikes, which are scored based on the strength of their slaps.  As games go, this one is a bit simplistic, but the even vicarious thrill of watching YouTube videos of Dinklage slapping Joffrey grows old eventually.
"To celebrate the 4th season of game of thrones, we released “King Slapper” for all to enjoy. All you do in this game is slap the shit out of Joffrey.  This is the first build of the game so updates will come as the 4th season progresses.Future additions to the game with include music, face damage, attacks by Joffrey and possible new animations and redesigns. The game is still in its early stages. All of your feed back is welcomed."

No lo estoy disfrutando casi, ¿sabeis? :P

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