Monday, August 12, 2013

Posters: The Hobbit Ambigram

"This was just a book cover assignment for school, but for me it meant a lot more.

This new curvalinear style you've seen me doing was originally inspired by several things, most importantly this painting by J.R.R. Tolkien.

The Hobbit is probably my favorite story of all time. and has been extremely inspiring and influential to my work.

So here is what I think would be an awesome cover to celebrate the 75th anniversary of this epic tale.

Hopefully I don't have to explain it, but my intent was to make the title an ambigram and make the 4 corner words (spelling out the less well known full title of the book) rotate encouraging the viewer to actually rotate the book and literally go "there and back again""

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure got an A! "A" for "AMAZING!" Wonderful job! Keep at it and feel free to upload a bigger version. This one is pretty small and I would love to see a little more detail! All the best!


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