"The ABC’s Of Wolverine" by Sean Gordon Murphy, 2010.
This is the illustration series that caused the controversy that lead Sean Murphy to hang up his hat.
"Because I was a pro and because I wasn’t selling them, I figured I’d be fine. After three conventions of EVERYONE telling me I should sell them, I broke down and sold some. At the last show that season, I sold the remaining 40 copies or so.Murphy readily admitted he was in the wrong, not only in using characters he doesn’t own the rights to but also in thinking that Marvel would overlook the sales, and he's no longer taking commissions or selling sketch books.
Then Marvel called. I explained that I didn’t have a warehouse of sketchbooks, I only made around 200 (or close to that) and mostly I gave them away. I explained how none of the Marvel editors complained when I handed them one, and my lack of hiding the ABCs should show the innocent nature of my endeavor. I even offered to sign a Cease and Desist, and pay them the money I made selling the last 40. But Marvel wanted the rights to the ABCs–they wanted to own them and pay me nothing. I wasn’t willing to do that, so I got a lawyer. And we eventually came together and agreed to drop the subject if I simply removed them from my site and promised not to make any more sketchbooks."
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