Monday, November 4, 2013

Lego Creation: Atari 2600

I dreamt in pixels that night. 
I remember spending hours in the basement staring intently at the television screen, my eyes darting left and right as I controlled a character that was just twelve squares of light. I remember the ridges of the rust-coloured carpet under my feet. I remember the redwood panelling, with its crisscross lines that didn’t always meet. I remember the smell of coffee as it perked, the sound of my father getting home from work, and my mother calling me again and again to come and eat. I remember believing that anything was possible.

"I remember spending hours in the basement staring intently at the television screen, my eyes darting left and right as I controlled a character that was just twelve squares of light. I remember the ridges of the rust-coloured carpet under my feet. I remember the redwood panelling, with its crisscross lines that didn’t always meet. I remember the smell of coffee as it perked, the sound of my father getting home from work, and my mother calling me again and again to come and eat. I remember believing that anything was possible."

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