There isn't a whole lot of story to this short film, but the production value is fairly high. Le Taxidermiste is the story of an old woman who wants to pay her last respects to her husband.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Short Film: Le Taxidermiste
There isn't a whole lot of story to this short film, but the production value is fairly high. Le Taxidermiste is the story of an old woman who wants to pay her last respects to her husband.
short film,
Short Film: Epithet
"Epithet" directed by Angus Jackson
Starring Patrick Stewart
This short film was inspired by the Young Vic theatre’s recent production of Edward Bond’s play Bingo. In fact, the film's cast is the same as that of the stage production, namely the great Patrick Stewart.
While this isn't the sort of short film we normally post here, the starring role made it irresistible. Be warned that this film centers around a sleazy lothario and includes adult content.
short film,
Merchandise: Gaming Throw Pillows
Society6 is now offering throw pillows as part of their merchandise selection. Here’s a small selection of some great examples of video game themed throw pillows available. Head over to the site to see all the other amazing works of art you need on your couch today! Better yet, go design you own!
video games
Installation: Plant-in City
On exhibit at the Mark Miller Gallery in NYC
The Internet of Plants: modern smart terrarium system is a part of the Plant-in City exhibit. It was a collaborative project between architects, designers, and
technologists building new ways of interacting with nature. Everything
around us is a system: subways, roadways, mechanical works, the
electrical power grid. They all play a key role in making the city run.
electronic art,
Sculpture: Little Manhattan
2.5 tons of marble carved into an eight foot long model of Manhattan
Interview: Takehiko Inoue
CNN's "Human to Hero" series profiles Slam Dunk creator Takehiko Inoue, one of Japan's most successful manga artists.
The 45-year-old artist has been working in the industry for a quarter of a century. He started out as an assistant on City Hunter for Tsukasa Hojo before making his solo debut in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump in 1988. Since then, he has worked on numerous series including Slam Dunk, Vagabond, and Real. That's a staggering amount of output, but in light of the speed at which he moves in this video, not a surprising amount.
Link Round-Up: November 30, 2012

News: Staples Announces In-Store 3-D Printing Service
A bedroom fit for a Time Lord: Dr Who fan spends £980 building a TARDIS in his parents' garden
Cristina De Middel's Afronauts: An African space fantasy
Flights of Fantasy in “Exhale,” the Latest Exhibition of Jeremy Geddes
Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim robot blueprints released
Library Paints Hobbit Door Over Entrance
link round-up,
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Portrait: Amy Pond and The Doctor
Prints available for purchase from the artist. US$80
“Oh Amy, I hear the song of your sadness.”
“I’m not sad.”
“Then why are you crying?”
Spent many, many hours livestreaming and working on this painting - my tribute and goodbye to the magnificent Amy Pond (and how she inspired the greatest painter that ever lived!) I of course purposely researched Van Gogh works such as Starry Night and Sunflowers and would like to think if Amy stayed for a portrait, Vincent painted something like this.
doctor who,
Short Film: Dark Vessel
DARK VESSEL directed by
Rocky Curby
This cool little piece exudes a light-hearted vibe with its robots and voice work, but it features an unexpectedly chilling storyline. I like to eimagine that this is how Stephen King would have written an episode of Futurama.
"A hopeless romantic is caught trespassing while trying to woo a girl. Problems occur when the girl's father forces him to remove a dead man's shadow. Tragically, the romantic becomes a vessel of death."
short film,
Portrait: Road Map Portraits
Road Map Portraits by Ed Fairburn
"Ink on a 1977 road map of Germany.The work I produce is largely figurative, and through the exploration of the human form I examine the patterns and structures which exist across the body. Emphasis is placed on the ‘fragmented’ texture of the skin, a process which has encouraged my work to evolve from its occupation of plain paper to the potential occupation of other, pre-fragmented or pre-patterned surfaces.This drawing was produced as part of a wider submission to Cowbridge Music Festival."
Electronic Art: Waves
"Waves" by Daniel Palacios, 2006.
A length of rope is attached at to a machine at each end and spun. The spinning rope creates waves against a black backdrop, creating audible sound as the rope cuts through the air. The installation then responds to visitors by changing it's speed and pitch according to the visitors' movement.
electronic art,
Street Art: Poison Apple

Poison Apple by BigBen
Photographed in Lyon, France
Is anyone else getting the feeling that BigBen is a Microsoft fan?
street art
Merchandise: Pac-Man Ghost Lamp
Pac-Man Ghost Lamp
Available for purchase from Firebox. US$56
This new, officially licensed, Pac-Man Ghost Lamp comes with a
remote that lets you change the ghost into 16 different colors. It features strobe, flash, dim, and smooth fade settings.
Posters: An Unexpected Journey
IMAX has released this set of four beautiful poster designs for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey that will be given to fans attending the 12:01 IMAX screenings of the movie on December 14th at selected theaters.
lord of the rings,
movie posters,
Link Round-Up: November 29, 2012

Lovecraftian Darwinism by Alan Bao
Up for voting at Threadless. I interpreted this as humans eventually evolving into Cthulhu and then I was like my gyad… is Elder Gods people??
Air New Zealand Shows Off ‘Hobbit’ Plane
Get your Firefly Serenity Themed Christmas Stocking
Jack Kirby Double-Page Spreads. A flickr set of double-splash-page spreads by the King of Comics.
The Next Best Thing To Being Cloned. A Frighteningly Lifelike 3D Mask Of Your Face.
You may not be able to collect life-sized Daleks, but you can start small with this set of 16 ounce Dalek tumblers.
link round-up,
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Video: Anamorphic Illusions
Brusspup has posted a new video demonstrating some really fun anamorphic projections. The trick is pretty simple: the photographs are skewed but then filmed at an angle where everything looks normal until the image is rotated out of alignment. Brasspup has also posted high resolution images of the Rubik’s cube, shoe, and tape so that you can try the optical illusions at home.
optical illusion,
Sculpture: Geometric Sandcastles

"I always have these ideas that I want to try but somehow in the attempt to get something done by the end of the day I turn towards my old standby solutions. I need to spend 6 weeks on the beach all at once. As it is I only get a day here and there and go whole years without building anything. If I could manage that I might get somewhere new."
Link Round-Up: November 28, 2012

Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$30
Here’s an exhibition entitled “Built Drawings.” All of the items are constructed from mechanical pencil lead refills.
This is truly a marvelous tribute to the historic victory of Scandinavia over a single-minded invading force. It’s said volunteers in the army gave their superiors a coin or token for the honor of fighting.
And we finish with artist Raven Mimura, who’s not only a delight to attend a convention with, his work is often a “portal” into the blending of genres. He also wears some of the most impressive boots I’ve ever seen.
link round-up,
video games
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Short Film: Memorize
Memorize directed by Eric Ramberg and Jimmy Eriksson
Memorize is set in a not-too-distant future where your memories are recorded as a crime deterrent. Authorities are able to review events by directly tapping into an elaborate network of DNA sensors in an individual’s memory unit. But it's still a violent world. With no chance of getting off if you're guilty, criminals have learned not to go quietly. That's where the SSU police unit comes in. Think Minority Report meets Judge Dredd.
"In 2027, everyone is implanted with a chip - the Memorize-chip. It records everything you see, a new system to fight crime. One unit controls the system. The SSU - Special Surveillance Unit."
science fiction,
short film,
Street Art: Justice League
"Justice League" by Owen Dippie
An homage to Alex Ross located in Omanu, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Photographed by Flyingkiwigirl (Shellie)
An homage to Alex Ross located in Omanu, Tauranga, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Photographed by Flyingkiwigirl (Shellie)
street art
Infographic: Color of Music
The Colour of Song print celebrate "colorful" song titles and band names by arraying them in an LP-shaped color wheel. It features the titles of 576 classic songs like Back in Black, Brown Sugar, Fools Gold, and Blue Monday, not to mention some guilty pleasures like Mr. Blue Sky, Goldfinger, and Pretty in Pink.
graphic design,
Link Round-Up: November 27, 2012
"Eleven" by Rosy Higgins
News: Google Maps Now Features Museum Floor Plans Here's a complete list.
The first nine retrofuturistic Superman cartoons produced by Fleischer Studios from 1941 to 1942 are now available on the Internet Archive.
For years now, the primary way of representing and storing color on a computer display has been to define it as existing in three dimensions: Red, Green, and Blue. What if that's wrong? “While the appearance of a color on a screen can be described in three dimensions, the blending of color actually is happening in a six dimensional space,” How Fifty-Three, developers of the iPad painting app Paper, used a theory of paint optics from 1931 to develop a better color mixer.
Long exposure photos of airline traffic - like the mapping of flights with GPS, except more glowing. Most of photos are from, where you can find a lot of cool stuff like these photos shot looking out from inside the cockpit.
Readymag is a new interactive publishing platform which allows you to create, publish and discover truly amazing webzines. Be sure to play with the demo for a look at the bleeding edge of web interactivity. It's not quite a sci-fi future yet, but it's getting closer.
doctor who,
link round-up,
Monday, November 26, 2012
Short Film: Tufty
TUFTY directed by Jason Butler & Brendan Butler
Before you go out and buy a stuffed bear for your kids this Christmas season, you may want to take a moment to consider things from the bear's perspective.
short film,
Tech: Minecraft Reality
Imagine being able to dump your Minecraft creations into the real world for other people to find. You could put an exploding creeper in your school, a cheeky pig in your garden, or a giant enemy crab on the beach, if you like. The Minecraft Reality app for iOS lets you do just that.
It’s been developed for iOS devices by 13th Lab – a bunch of clever augmented reality folks – with the help of Mojang. The app uses your iOS device’s camera to track the surroundings, before projecting creations onto the landscape. You get to view the mind-boggling results on-screen. You can change the size of your object as you please, and even wander around it to view from different angles. It’s seriously impressive stuff.
Electronic Art: Cosmos
"Cosmos" by Leo Villareal
On exhibit at the Johnson Museum of Art Mallin Sculpture Court at Cornell University
Photo by James Ewing
American artist Leo Villareal developed this interactive lighting installation as a tribute to astronomer Carl Sagan. It's composed of over twelve thousand LEDs programmed to portray programmatically generated astronomical patterns on a high ceiling measuring approximately 45 feet x 68 feet, where the entire city of Ithaca can appreciate them.
electronic art,
Tech: Relative Time Pieces
"Relative time pieces" by Mieke Meijer, 2010
These timepieces visualize the passing of time through mass, volume and temperature.
Link Round-Up: November 26, 2012

"20110121-1" by Samuel Monnier
A fractal Mondrian pattern
Asciiflow will let you draw ASCII art with a mouse and skip a lot of painstaking space-bar-hitting.
George R.R. Martin's awkward lunch with J.K. Rowling
Gesture drawing from home: a convenient tool for practicing figure drawing
Imbalance was created with four ink pens over the course of 143 hours.
It took the graphic novelist Craig Thompson seven years to complete Habibi, his epic exploration of child slavery and sexual awakening in an imaginary Middle-Eastern kingdom. Here he charts its creation from first thoughts to finished pages.
Recursive Drawing is an exploration of user interface ideas towards the development of a spatially-oriented programming environment.
link round-up,
Friday, November 23, 2012
Short Film: Blood Ink
"Blood Ink" ("Sang d'Encre") by Tom Gouill, Jeoffrey Lavanche et Mélanie Tournois
This short explores the relationship between an author and his imaginary world.
short film,
Illustration: Mail Envelope Sketches
Buy the book or hire Jeffries for a commission.
When you request commissions fromJeffries , she not only fills your mail-hole with the agreed upon artwork, she also adds a little bit something extra to the mailing envelope… free of charge!
Download: Star Wars Snowflakes

Download these and many other Star Wars snowflake designs as PDF files.
star wars
Link Round-Up: November 23, 2012

Source: Eryck Webb Graphics
100,000 Stars is a new experiment for Chrome web browsers (or any other WebGL browser like Firefox or Safari) that lets you interactively explore the Milky Way galaxy with your mouse and scroll wheel.
Daniel Nyari‘s illustrated guide to famous weapons of the silver screen is nothing if not comprehensive. But is anything ever comprehensive enough for the nerd world?
Mimoco has announced a new line of Mimobot Star Trek designer flash drives that includes Captain Kirk, Spock, Captain Picard and Data.
Photography: A Guardian Masterclass
This wooden LEGO minifig was created by Malet Thibaut and is quite a bit larger than its plastic counterpart.
link round-up,
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Short Film: In The Pines
"In The Pines" by Zeek Earl & Chris Caldwell
A young woman, convinced she has experienced an encounter with the extraterrestrial, becomes fixated on re-establishing contact in this striking study of the paranormal and the human psyche.
science fiction,
short film,
Crafts: 8-Bit Ornaments
8-Bit Ornaments by Ana Petree Garcia
Available for purchase at Etsy.
(NOTE: 25% of the proceeds from this item will be donated to the Red Cross organization for Hurricane Sandy Relief.)
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Short Film: I’m Retired
"I’m Retired" by directed by Peter Atencio
The nation is in turmoil, and there's only one man who can help... or can he? This tongue-in-cheek parody of the jaded action hero archetype puts me in mind of the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. This comes from Comedy Central's "Key & Peele."
short film,
Posters: Halo 4
To commemorate the release of Halo 4, Malaysian artist and Halo fan Johnson Ting offers this tribute featuring the iconic Master Chief and his artificially intelligence sidekick Cortana.
video games
Sweets: Thanksgiving Dinner Cupcakes
Check out the tutorial on Instructables to make your own for the holiday.
"If your looking for something sweet to take to Thanksgiving that isn’t a pie…I’ve got something fun for you! Why not bring Thanksgiving dinner for dessert? Cupcake style of course! These cupcakes will have everybody giggling and cause total brain confusion at the Thanksgiving table. They are SO much fun! Each one is made completely of sweet treats but looks just like some of Thanksgiving staples."
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