Monday, February 3, 2014

Video: D&D Yoga

Artist Scott Wayne Indiana, interactive artist (and Dungeon Master) Eric Hagan, and "movement instructor" Sarah Danke have somehow transformed a D&D campaign into a yoga class. Makes sense.  I mean, what’s the difference between a a yoga instructor and a Dungeon Master, after all? One sits in front of a room of people and slowly twists them into knots, and the other does pretty much the same thing.
"World premier of D&D Yoga, the idea that these two activities and communities don't have much in common turned out to be untrue. The guided adventure intended as an experiment left people asking when the group will meet regularly. Players were given a 10 sided die and a character sheet as they entered the space in Brooklyn, NY. They embodied a single character, "...a roguish rugged individual who has run afoul of the local law. You are given the opportunity to be absolved of your crimes. Your task at hand is to take this package to the ancient temple in the nearby forest and leave it in its proper place."

While spending a weekend at an ashram in upstate NY, artist Scott Wayne Indiana participated in regular yoga sessions as well as guided meditation. During the weekend he came up with the idea that a guided narrative could be fun to listen to during yoga. Taking it a step further to involve some interaction, the idea was born to mashup D&D and yoga. "

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