Monday, February 10, 2014

Link Round-Up: February 10, 2014

The Hobbit Pixel Art by dehtyar

The 2014 Sony World Photography Awards, an annual competition hosted by the World Photography Organisation, has recently announced its shortlist of winners. This year's contest attracted more than 140,000 entries from 166 countries.

DevArt: An exhibition of art created with code - skywriting quadcopter drones programmed with c++, room dividers reimagined as 3D screens for psychedelic projections, using raspberry pi to rename WiFi networks as lines of poetry. They are collaborating with the Barbican in London for the Digital Revolution exhibition and are currently seeking an emerging creative coder to be funded to present at the exhibition alongside world-class interactive artists Zach Lieberman, Karsten Schmidt, and the duo of Varvara Guljajeva & Mar Canet.

Every second of Jurassic Park in one image

I'll Send an OS to the World: "Her" as Critical Design for the Electronic Embrace: "Maybe it's because I spend my days designing interfaces for an e-commerce startup, but I started to imagine the film as an elaborate product spec. [...] Her does articulate a speculative product, the technological mate; it is a romantic comedy that posits romance as a commodity."

In Isabelle Melançon's short webcomic Knot, a group of wizards is sent to figure out what is wrong with a perpetually sad princess. The humblest among them discovers the cause of the princess's troubles, and comes up with a sweet solution.

Travis Hanson's webcomic The Bean is a well-told fantasy epic from a very classic mold.  The Bean is a lowly, abused dishwasher who spends his days slaving in an ogre's inn—at least until he's kidnapped and put in the path of a legendary sword.

What if all the ads in the world were replaced by beautiful art?

Why Aren’t App Designers as Famous as Chefs?

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