Saturday, July 29, 2017

Friday, July 28, 2017

Paintings: Cersei Lannister

Photographed by Ninjaassassinguy
Source: Reddit

One of the Redditors notes "That dress has a similar colour scheme to Sheogorath's clothes from Shivering Isles. Fitting. Mad God, mad Queen."  Another remarks that, "It's a true mark of artisan quality when a painting of a fake queen from a fictional tv show makes you want to smack the shit out of the painting."  I have to agree with the last.  Cersei is far and away my favorite television character to root against... at least now that Joffrey is dead.
"You could be the king, but watch the queen conquer 👑 👑 👑 It only took me a year and a half but I finally finished a Queen Cersei painting?? Also someone come hang out with me please because I need something to do now that this is done"

Crafts: Stark Sigil

Stark Sigil made of Butterfly Wings by Kimburgly
Source: Imgur via Reddit

Yeah, pulling apart an animal to make a sigil feels more like a Bolton thing than a Stark thing, but who knows, maybe these butterflies failed to kill all the wolves. Still, this piece reminds me of that story about Orson Lanister, and I can't help but imagine the artist making "Kuh, Kuh, Kuh" sounds as she made it.

Mural: Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones Mural located in Melbourne, Australia
Photographed by Deceptacone
Source: Reddit

I love how universally adored this show is, but how much does it have to suck to dodge spoilers for an entire day until the show airs locally? Ugh.

Mural: Arya Stark

Arya Stark Mural located in Barcelona, Spain
Photographed by ElLoboBorracho
Source: Reddit

Wow, great mural.  Who gets to park in there?
No one.

Link Round-Up: July 28, 2017

Game of Thrones Fan Art. Pencil and charcoal on paper

The British Library has digitized Leonardo da Vinci's Notebook ('The Codex Arundel') and made 570 digitized images available online: The notebook of Leonardo da Vinci ('The Codex Arundel') is a collection of papers written in Italian by Leonardo da Vinci (b. 1452, d. 1519), in his characteristic left-handed mirror-writing (reading from right to left), including diagrams, drawings and brief texts, covering a broad range of topics in science and art, as well as personal notes. The core of the notebook is a collection of materials that Leonardo describes as 'a collection without order, drawn from many papers, which I have copied here, hoping to arrange them later each in its place according to the subjects of which they treat' (f. 1r), a collection he began in the house of Piero di Braccio Martelli in Florence, in 1508. To this notebook has subsequently been added a number of other loose papers containing writing and diagrams produced by Leonardo throughout his career. Decoration: Numerous diagrams. More on Leonardo's notebooks from The Guardian's Jonathan Jones. [Via]

Built-in bookshelf wall with a hidden door: a step-by-step guide

Correlation vs causation taught by xkcd cartoons "Hill for the data scientist"

Dragon Hammer forged by Ilya Alexseyev of Man At Arms: Reforged.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Paintings: Because It Felt Good

Prints available for purchase from inPRNT. US$15/20/40

I don't think there's ever been a character more fun to hate than Cersei Lannister.  You root for her to get her comeuppance, then you root for her to get her revenge.  In this portrait Vjuzhanina catches everyone's favorite villainess in a moment of quite introspection, looking every inch the evil queen.

Paintings: The Hound

Source: Imgur via Reddit

As I was scrolling through the Game of Thrones SubReddit, I initially thought that the thumbnail of this painting was a photo. Turns out it's a digital painting by portrait artist Mandy Jurgens who does some incredible work. If you like this one, you have to check out her Wonder Woman and Armor study.  Make sure you follow the source link and give her a much-deserved upvote for her effort.

Posters: Vader

"Vader" by UK-based Chris Rathbone

Posters: May the Force be with You

"May the Force be with You" by Columbia-based Dylan Bolívar Barraza
Blackwood Series

Sci-Fi Round-Up: July 26, 2017

"The Thing" by Jeremy Wheeler
Part of The Thing: Artbook from Printed in Blood sold at San Diego Comic-Con


Andy Weir on his follow-up to The Martian, and using realistic science in fiction
Sci-Fi Author Ann Leckie Talks Trump, Tea, and the 'Ancillary Justice' Series
Seth MacFarlane Talks 'The Orville': World Building And Optimistic Sci-Fi


Link Round-Up: July 26, 2017

"The Shape Of Water" by James Jean

From 1965 until his death in 1975 Crockett Johnson painted over 100 works relating to mathematics and mathematical physics. Of these paintings, eighty are found in the collections of the National Museum of American History. We present them here, with related diagrams from the artist’s library and papers.

Giant D20 Pouch: Diceception

How to make a Harry Potter golden egg. Maybe don’t bathe with it.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Posters: I Am Groot

Posters: Star Wars

"Star Wars" by Craig Drake
D23 exclusive prints

Posters: Work of Lazare Gvimradze

"War Never Changes" by Lazare Gvimradze

Link Round-Up: July 24, 2017

"Only They Pronounce My Name" by Faryn Hughes
Pan's Labyrinth Poster

A bit of gaming history has been clarified recently: It’s the story behind the famous photo of a gamer duct-taped to a ceiling.

The deluxe Patrón x Guillermo del Toro set is available for preorder

Dina Amin picks a random product, disassembles it, examines it, and makes a stop motion story with its parts.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Video: Moleskine & Game of Thrones

Moleskine has done a stop motion version of the Game of Thrones intro featuring 7,600 paper cutouts.

Sweets: Game of Pies

"Game of Pies" by
Source: Imgur via Reddit

In the Game of Thrones, you either win or you pie.

Sweets: Kings Landing Cake

"Kings Landing Cake" by
Source: Imgur via Reddit

"Our Game of Thrones Premier party had a Kings Landing cake with exploding sept!"

Sweets: Name Day Cake

Game of Thrones Cake by
Source: Imgur via Reddit

"Ordered a game of thrones cake from a local bakery, I think it came out amazing"

Sweets: Iron Throne Cake

Iron Throne Cake by Rockthehearts
Source: Imgur via Reddit

Brace yourself, fondant is coming!

Crafts: Game of Thrones Pouch

Prints available for purchase from Etsy.
"This pouch is completely handmade of 4 oz vegetable tanned leather. Everything you see is all hand tooled, the pouch is also hand-stitched. The famous "Winter is Coming" phrase was burned into the leather using a wood burning tool, I think it came out quite nicely. I also installed a metal swing clasp with antique finish to give an aged look to it. The belt loop riveted to the back has a snap fastener that fits any belt or strap size. The leather itself is very sturdy and fairly rigid with burnished edges and dyed with a dark brown antique dye to really bring out the details. I dragged the applicator across the leather to give it a wood grain look.

I used Super Sheen finish to protect the leather and make it water resistant."

3D Print: Winterfell Model

Winterfell Model by Funkyfresshh
[ Previously: 3D Printed Planets ]
Source: Imgur via Reddit

"My friend has an industrial 3D printer. I asked him to create Winterfell..."

Woodwork: Laser Engraved Westeros Map

Maps available for purchase from Etsy. US$978.38

This fan-made 3D wooden map was laser engraved by DivergnDesigns out of the small town of Bathurst located in the Central West of NSW, Australia.

The map is gigantic, two meters across and over a meter tall.  It's mounted in an aluminum frame for easy mounting.  The back-board and is finished in a natural red-tinged Amerind Lauan ply featuring engraved contours, inner rivers, locations, compass and boats.

The map details 334 Westeros and Essos locations, twenty-six of which are portrayed with an engraved icon. It also features engraved animals, over 1900 trees, and individual islands as small as 4mm in diameter.  The 3D effect is enhanced by mountain ranges consisting of up to five contour height-derived layers, all unique in shape providing saddles, peaks and plateaus with engraved mountain ranges varying in styles and sizes.

The entire piece is sealed with multiple coats of Polycrylic to protect it against wear, tear, and light moisture.

Woodwork: Game of Thrones Map

[ Previously: Map of Westeros ]

"Our friend Dan showing off a map of Westeros that he created with pyrography on a beautiful piece of timber. Hats off to you bud! We're all super jealous of your talent!"

Lego Creation: Red Keep

Red Keep from Game of Thrones by Claus-Marc Hahn of BricksCreations
Photo Source: Claus-Marc Hahn

Beyond the Brick released the amazing video (below) of the 125,000 piece motorized LEGO version of the Red Keep of King's Landing from Game of Thrones.  Hahn used four EV3 large servo motors to set his master piece in motion.

Lego Creations: The Wall

This is fantastic, but I'd love to know how much it cost to build this set.

Tattoo: Game of Thrones Houses

Inked by Mikey of 46and2 Tattoo of Fargo, ND

The 9 Major houses of Westeros and Night's Watch represented in black and white ink.

Sci-Fi Round-Up: July 20, 2017

"War for the Planet of the Apes" by Vance Kelly


Interview With David Demchuk, Author Of The Bone Mother
Nikolaj Arcel talks about his ambitious adaptation of The Dark Tower
Zeeya Merali Explores How Scientists could Create A New Universe

Link Round-Up: July 20, 2017

"Princess Of The Moon" by Bangkok, Thailand-based Ise Ananphada
Prints available for purchase from Hero Complex Gallery. US$65

Alternate takes on the American Civil War have been a literary niche for a while now, covering angles from the survival of President Lincoln to the South winning the war. Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will continue that peculiar institution with a future HBO series titled Confederate.

Author Chuck Wendig gives you a handy top 10 list article to help you Survive and keep creating Art, in this unfurling Age of Dumb "Everything is dumb right now. From nose to tail, we have become the dumbest, saddest pig at the county fair. Historians will not refer to this period as THE DARK AGES, but rather, THE DUMB AGES. The greatest question I get, right now, is how to simply persist creating art and staying motivated and creative in this epoch of syphilitic dipshittery, so I thought I’d bop in here and try my hand at answering that."

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Painting: Daenarys

Mash-Up: Game of Wreck-It Ralph

A Wreck-It Ralph / Game of Thrones Mash-Up

Link Round-Up: Game of Thrones

Acrylic on Canvas

Sci-Fi Round-Up: July 18, 2017

"The Fifth Element" by Chrissie Zullo
Prints available for purchase from StoreEnvy. US$20


Colin Trevorrow Says He's The Right Man For Star Wars: Episode IX
Eating Authors: Rajan Khanna, author of Raining Fire
Evan Rachel Wood On Her 'Westworld' Emmy Advantage
Interview With Blade Runner Adventure Co-Writer/Designer David Leary
Interview With Nicholas Sansbury Smith, Author Of The Hell Divers Series
Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Rian Johnson Talks Title's Evolution
Star Wars: Episode IC Director Explains His Approach To The Film

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Posters: Tom Ryan’s Studio

"Mr. Robot" by Tom Ryan’s Studio
Prints available for purchase from Society6. US$18

Every once in a while I come across an Etsy gallery I love from beginning to end. Tom Ryan's Studio is one of them. If I had two hundred bucks to drop on posters or a landlord reasonable to take payment in used posters, this gallery would be plastered across my wall as we speak. Alas, the closest I'll ever come is plastering Tom Ryan's work across my blog.  Hopefully, someone out there will be able to send some of the business I can't afford to send his way.

Posters: Blade Runner

"Rachael" Blade Runner Posters by Cryssy Cheung
Prints available for purchase from Little Print Monster.

Rachael from Blade Runner (1982).  1 of 4 in a series for the "Sci-Fi Noir: Visions of the Future" Art show curated by the TimeBeards. Shown at Heron Arts in San Francisco. June 2017.

Sci-Fi Round-Up: July 11, 2017

"Motoko" by China-based Seaway Liu


Link Round-Up: July 11, 2017

"Spider-Man: Homecoming" by Paul Ainsworth
Part of a tribute poster series from the Poster Posse collective.

Absolutely stunning paper sculptures.

British Expatriate Spends a Night at The Henn-na Hotel in Tokyo That is Staffed by Robots

French Art Director Jade Dalloul wondered what the banknotes and coins of famous brands like Apple and Google would look like if they became countries.  He’s thus created some hyperrealistic, well thought-out money renderings of the biggest brands in the world for his final year project titled 'Brand Currency.'

Friday, July 7, 2017

Sci-Fi Round-Up: July 7, 2017

"The Sci-Fi Movie Fan’s Guide To The Galaxy" by Beijing, China-based Dan Shayu


Awesometacular: Jeremy Jahns Talks Spider-Man: Homecoming
Sci-Fi author Kim Stanley Robinson Talks About 'New York 2140'
Terry Brooks talks about ending Shannara on his own terms, how Sword is a mix of Tolkien and Faulkner, the new TV show, and his long writing career
Valerian Director Says Rihanna Is Focused, Generous On Set

Link Round-Up: July 7, 2017

"Spider-Man: Homecoming" by Matt Ferguson
Available free at UK Odeon Cinemas Real D 3D screenings.

52 Research Terms you need to know as a UX Designer

Discover the strange creations of the Landreau brothers, Romain and Florent, from the Steampunk universe. Lighting, decorative objects, and custom costumes are worthy of even the most unusual cabinet of curiosities.

Experience the magic and versatility of cardboard with two skilled cardboard artists, Juan Clavelloux and François Becquelin. With their extensive and varied experience working with cardboard, they can lend insight and expertise to creating your own cardboard masterpieces.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Sci-Fi Round-Up: July 5, 2017

Limited edition prints available for purchase from Hero Complex. US$60 / US$65


Eating Robots and the potential dystopias of the future: Isci-fi author Stephen Oram
Junot Díaz talks global dystopias with Margaret Atwood
Okja Director Bong Joon Ho Says Working With Tilda Swinton Gives Him 'Nuclear Power'
Orphan Black creator answers season premiere burning questions
Rihanna Opens Up About 'Valerian' Role
Spider-Man: Homecoming - director Jon Watts interview

Link Round-Up: July 5, 2017

3D Scanner Buying Guide 2017

Alternate Versions of Iron Man

Beautiful Legend of Zelda-Themed Nintendo Switch

CNN found the Reddit user behind the Trump wrestling GIF, and has publicly stated that it reserves the right to publish his identity should he ever repeat the "ugly behavior" again.  The dude was a major league troll, but a major news outlet holding the threat of a public doxxing over someone's head is making a LOT of people very uncomfortable.  Are memes the new politics?

Monday, July 3, 2017

3D Print: Laser Pistol

Source: Imgur

Check out this incredible 3D model.  It looks like something straight out of Borderlands or Doom, and it was designed, printed, and assembled entirely from scratch by Imgur user Kanohispider.
"Finished product first, because attention grabbing. I (somehow) managed to convince my friend to 3D print a Laser Pistol for me, so here's its journey."

Crafts: Spirited Away Bathhouse Model

Spirited Away Bathhouse Model by Sorakio (キオ)
Source: Twitter via Reddit via Imgur via NerdApproved

Check out the incredible detail in this handmade / handpainted model of the bathhouse from Miyazaki's Spirited Away.  I can't find a clear source for these photos, but I loved this model too much not to post it.  The artist doesn't appear to have a website, but if you know of one, please drop me a link in the comments below!

Also relevant is this palm-sized model of  Howl's Moving Castle.

Posters: Star Trek 30th Anniversary

Star Trek: The Next Generation 30th Anniversary Posters
Prints available for purchase from the Roddenberry Shop. US$99

Posters: Blade Runner Anniversary

Blade Runner Posters
Created by Tracie Ching

Posters: Blade Runner Anniversary

Blade Runner Posters
Created in honor of the film, released 35 years ago.

Sci-Fi Round-Up: July 3, 2017

"Blade Runner" by Casey Callender


Doctor Who star Matt Lucas on whether he'll return: 'I do know the answer to that question'
Tom Holland Confirms Popular Fan Theory: Spider-Man Was In Iron Man 2


Anonymous Says NASA Has Evidence of Aliens. Does It?
Beyond Anime And Manga, Tokyo Content Showcases Augmented ...
Disney World's Star Wars show Is Adding Rey As A Regular Character
Doctor Who Goes Iron Curtain In 'World Enough And Time'
Editorial: Cyber Attacks: The Threat Is Real
Funimation Lists Anime Movie Plans With "Eureka Seven" And "Fairy ...
Hug An Alien! It's World Ufo Day.
Light Novel Publisher Announces Giveaway And New And ...
Looking For Love At The Denver Comc Con
Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber Sold For $450000
Mass Effect: Andromeda Will Not Get Story Dlc
Men In Black's Best Scene Doesn't Have Any Special Effects
Nozomi Announces Blu-Ray Plans For "Utena," "Gundam Wing" And ...
Spider-Man: Homecoming actress teases important, secret role in film
Spider-Man: Homecoming is the first of a trilogy, says Tom Holland
Star Wars 8 And Han Solo Are Skipping Comic-Con 2017
Star Wars is Debuting All-New, All-Star Episodes Online
Star Wars Skips Comic Con For D23 2017
Steampunk Takes Over Telford Museum For Festival
Suicide Bomber Kills 14 At Camp For Iraq Displaced
Tv And Film Turning To Young Girls For Its New Action Stars
Tv Review: 'Doctor Who: The Doctor Falls' (Series 10 Episode 12)
Twitterati Are Looking For The 'Genius' Who Played Darth Vader Music ...
US Planning To Create 'Space Corps' As Sixth Branch Of Armed Forces


Doctor Who series finale can be described in just three words
Humans Never Age In Nicola Barker's New Book 'H(A)PPY'
Book Review: 'Virology' By Ren Warom
Elex Preview : A Unique Blend Of Sci-Fi And Fantasy
K-Drama Review: Circle, A Riveting Traipse Of Sci-Fi Story That ...
Spider-Man: Homecoming Is The Best Spidey Movie Ever Made

Link Round-Up: July 3, 2017

Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$10.75

The 25 most influential people on the internet, according to TIME Magazine.

All the Marvel Superheroes Who Should Die in Avengers: Infinity War “Time to kill some superheroes! Marvel boss Kevin Feige confirmed to JoBlo that Avengers: Infinity War will be the last appearance for some central figures of the MCU, which means they might shuffle off their mortal capes or retire to their secret, woodsy homes… or alien planets or state-of-the-art mansion towers. But hopefully a bunch will get killed. Don’t look at me like that! Marvel needs to show some stakes, especially if the long-promised fight against Thanos is going to live up to the hype as something on a scale we’ve never seen before. Considering their longevity, significance, and power, here are the heroes of Infinity War, ranked by killability.”

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Sci-Fi Round-Up: June 30, 2017

Prints available for purchase from Little Print Monster. US$60
Part of the Sci-fi Noir group art show at Heron Arts Gallery in San Francisco


Barb is still, like, super dead in Stranger Things season two but actor David Harbour says that the team was taken aback by what a following she’s gained. “We’ve realized from the fans that Barb is important, and so we are going to treat her with the respect that she deserves.”
Chadwick Boseman talks the Black Panther trailer on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
David Kushner on exploring the journey of Dungeons & Dragons
Golden Compass Philip Pullman on returning to His Dark Materials
Editor Karen Stevens: Space Is Not All Science Fiction
Fantasy author Myke Cole on grounding a medieval world with demons in it
Interview With Callie Bates, Author Of The Waking Land
One Thing That Colin Trevorrow Finds Sad About Working In The Star Wars Universe
Ron Howard Talks About Becoming A Star Wars director
Wonder Woman Director Patty Jenkins Talks Gal Gadot, Sequel Hopes
Thandie Newton on How Westworld’s “Profound” Nude Scenes Gave Maeve He
Westworld Cinematographer Talks Lighting an Orgy Like a Louvre Painting

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