Friday, July 29, 2011
Link Round-Up: July 29, 2011
Paper Skull Concept by Matthieu Jacobs of D-Sturbed
10 Amazing Face Art Interpretations of Famous Paintings
Industrial Scars: The Art of Environmental Pollution is a serious of gorgeous, abstract photographs by J Henry Fair of polluted industrial landscapes.
What should spaceships look like? As the next generation of spaceships is being conceived, should shuttle designers take their inspiration from sci-fi illustrators?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Link Round-Up: July 28, 2011
Lovecraftian Pages by Wesley Remory
Via: Propnomicon
Honey, I shrunk the Flughafen: German builds world’s largest model airport
How to draw is the blog of Rad Sechrist, a storyboard artist at Dreamworks animation
Urban as art in suburban Moscow.
Unurth is searching the globe for street art. A recent feature is Escif, Brick/Break, in Valencia—including an interview with Escif and his Flickr stream.
Wall-E 365. In case you were wondering what Wall-E's been up to lately.
When all the old cottonwood trees needed to be removed from a park, the city of Craig, Colorado decided to hold a chainsaw competition.
Artist: Yong Ho Ji
Korean artist Yong Ho Ji transforms discarded tires and transforms them into awe-inspiring multi-layered sculptures that captures the ferocity of natural wildlife or offers commentary on the dangers of genetic manipulation.
Ho’s concept of mutants grew out of his life in Seoul, where there is fierce political debate over genetic engineering. In school, Yong Ho read Darwin and was galvanized by how his theory of evolution applied to man’s manipulation with nature. Already, he says, cats and dogs are bred to emphasize their domesticated traits and downplay their wild sides. The sculptures can be taken as warnings; if we’re not careful, we may soon lose the ability to see animals in their natural state altogether.Read an interview with Yong Ho Ji at The Magazine.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sweets: Space Core Cake
Via: Neatorama
"We had the space core cake commissioned for our 3 year anniversary. A followup to our Katamari wedding cake. Created by Mike's Amazing Cakes in Redmond WA"
Link Round-Up: July 27, 2011
Spotted on one of the crosswalk buttons outside the San Francisco Comic Con
Via: Franny Pack
Brandon Michael Barker recreates classic comic book covers in stained glass
Fandomania has posted a gallery of Breaking Bad fan art
Missing Harry Potter? Here's a tutorial on How to make your own Marauder’s Map
Starcraft Papercraft Must Be Seen to Be Believed [Via]
You Built What?! A Colossal Flying Reproduction of a 1935 Airship
Fandomania has posted a gallery of Breaking Bad fan art
Missing Harry Potter? Here's a tutorial on How to make your own Marauder’s Map
Starcraft Papercraft Must Be Seen to Be Believed [Via]
You Built What?! A Colossal Flying Reproduction of a 1935 Airship
doctor who,
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Fresh Take: Voldemort
“Painting out from the darkness, I constructed the snake-like villain through hundreds of layers of color variation stacked in transparency to achieve the sickly texture and pigment of his skin—focusing on the subtleties of light and color.”
fresh take,
harry potter,
Gallery: Old Photos of Superheroes
These creative photo manipulations created by Agan Harahap depict comic book super heroes and villains in the midst of World War II.
photo manipulation,
Link Round-Up: July 26, 2011
Character concept art for The Avengers goes online
If Harry Potter was an anime, this is what it might look like. I'd watch it... you know, if it didn't degenerate into yaoi.
Marvel premieres 4 stunning Avengers posters in San Diego
Meanwhile, over at ComicVine: "I go to Comic-Con every year only to take cosplay pics. This year I left with 1,143 great photos. Enjoy." [Via]
Minecraft: Middle Earth - A tour of a nearly full scale recreation of Middle Earth in Minecraft
harry potter,
Monday, July 25, 2011
Artist: Jason Padgett
Jason Padgett is the first person to acquire synasthesia and savantism by head trauma. Three years after his mugging, he began drawing complex geometries, including hand-drawn approximations of fractals, the first time anyone had ever done so. Eventually a mathematician suggested Padgett take a math course; with trigonometric notation Padgett offered a proof of his approximation of Pi. This description of JP's case by Brit Brogaard, professor of philosophy and psychology at University of Missouri includes rather captivating comparison of some of Padgett's art and a real picture of electron interference patterns. Most of Padgett's art doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I completely love his depiction of the double-slit photon experiment.
Link Round-Up: July 25, 2011
Architecture 3D Illustrations
A London Underground Tube Map of Doctor Who episodes
Marvel premieres 4 stunning Avengers posters in San Diego
P-Body paper toy available for download.
Scott Kurtz draws and writes one of the Internet's oldest webcomics, PvP. He launched it in 1998 and, since then, has won two Eisner Awards and a Harvey Award for his work. Scott has been a trendsetter for webcomics before, infamously (and frequently controversially) brash in defense of its business model, especially in the face of criticism from old media. Today, he announced that he will be selling product placement in his strips, starting with an arc focused on Magic: The Gathering. This is a webcomics first. Will it prove a boon to the financial success of artists, or a burden on the freedoms they've won? Or will it catch on at all beyond PvP?
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Video: Photography Rube Goldberg Machine
"This is our Photography-themed Rube Goldberg Machine. We hope you all enjoy the clip! Watch our video explaining some of the process of getting this video done."
Via: The Procrastinator's Inbox
rube goldberg machine,
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Papercraft: Harry Potter Scenes
Amazingly, this amazing art is assembled out of paper, though it looks like it could have been put together in Photoshop.Lee's blog is definitely getting a bookmark.
harry potter,
Friday, July 22, 2011
Mash-Up: Calvin and Hobbes / Terminator
"Johnny and Uncle Bob" by Timothy Lim (ninjaink)
“Johnny and Uncle Bob is a syndicated daily comic strip
that was written and illustrated by American cartoonist James Cameron”
“Johnny and Uncle Bob is a syndicated daily comic strip
that was written and illustrated by American cartoonist James Cameron”
calvin and hobbes,
Link Round-Up: July 22, 2011
The Apple Logo and the Golden Ratio
9 Classic Album Covers Re-Imagined With ‘Harry Potter’ Characters
Andrew Le puts the TARDIS in travel posters for fun.
Destroy Your Hard Drive is a handy sticker to help you when the secret police break down your door.
Harry Potter and the Rest of His Life
Pop-Cultured Currency - Technically, defacing US currency is a crime – but artist James Charles doesn’t seem to be in any legal trouble for his awesome series of Pop Culture Cash. His portraits, created on real money using ink, turn dead presidents into colorfully amusing pop culture icons. Alternate site with larger pics.
Running from Camera: 1) Put the self-timer on 2 seconds. 2) Push the button and run away.
Steampunk-Themed Office Space for Three Rings Design Office: Creative workspaces are clearly getting more noticed in a world where everyone needs to concentrate and enjoy their work. The Three Rings Design Office located in San Francisco was created as an intriguing steampunk-themed office space that inspires and fortifies the talent of the people working here.
Andrew Le puts the TARDIS in travel posters for fun.
Destroy Your Hard Drive is a handy sticker to help you when the secret police break down your door.
Harry Potter and the Rest of His Life
Pop-Cultured Currency - Technically, defacing US currency is a crime – but artist James Charles doesn’t seem to be in any legal trouble for his awesome series of Pop Culture Cash. His portraits, created on real money using ink, turn dead presidents into colorfully amusing pop culture icons. Alternate site with larger pics.
Running from Camera: 1) Put the self-timer on 2 seconds. 2) Push the button and run away.
Steampunk-Themed Office Space for Three Rings Design Office: Creative workspaces are clearly getting more noticed in a world where everyone needs to concentrate and enjoy their work. The Three Rings Design Office located in San Francisco was created as an intriguing steampunk-themed office space that inspires and fortifies the talent of the people working here.
golden ratio,
Mural: Anamorphic Medusa
“Medusa, Anamorph” painted by Ninja1 and Mach505
Via: Truly Design Crew
"Remember how Perseus had to look at the Gorgon Medusa's image reflected in the mirroring shield given to him by Athena to avoid being turned into stone? Well, also our Medusa can be seen only from a certain viewpoint. Have a look for yourself, you'll be petrified.
This challenging anamorph was created in the factory/urban lab which hosted Sub Urb Art."
optical illusion
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Mash-Up: M.C. Escher / Portal
M.C. Escher with a Portal Gun
"A four week project.
While I was brainstorming I came across a picture called ‘Relativety
Stairs’ by an artist called M.C. Escher. I thought it would be an
excellent assignment to improve on my texturing skills. But the picture
needed something else and since I was playing the game Portal at the
time, why not combine the two? This was a very good project where I
learned a lot about texturing and how exactly they are created.
Even after the deadline had passed I was still improving the picture, since there were just so many details on the picture I didn’t have the time to add in the four week period. And since it was my first ever project to work on over such a long time, I also learned a great deal about how you should organize your time correctly.
I am very pleased with the result and I can’t wait to work on another project of the same scale. Rendered with Vray."
video games
Posters: Aperture Science
Aperture Science: All Science, All the Time by Alan Kennedy
"Science is fun! And at Aperture the science never runs out. Say, what’s that giant plant making it’s way through the facility you ask? Why, it’s Solanum tuberosum, commonly known as the potato. Looks like somebody must have left their science experiment in the basement for too long. Portal 2. A true masterpiece."
video games
Papercraft: Paper Punk
Paper Punk is a new system of fully recyclable paper blocks and model kits by ReadyMade co-founder Grace Hawthorne teaches 3D thinking by blending principles of origami and LEGO building bricks.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Sculpture: 8-Bit Game Tribute
This beautifully geeky sand sculpture by full time sand, ice, snow and wood sculpture Guy-Olivier Deveau was done for the Parskville Canadian Open a little earlier this month. Be sure to check out Guy-Olivier’s website to see the rest of his amazing portfolio.
video games
Link Round-Up: July 20, 2011
Boston-based artist and TED Fellow Nathalie Miebach translates weather and climate change
data from cities into musical scores and whimsical sculptures
20 Educational Architecture Books Anyone Can Enjoy
A German job website has launched an awesome ad campaign on vending machines across the nation featuring photos of people working while crammed into tiny spaces. is hosting a Darth Vader helmet art contest for charity. They’re going to select 25 artists to create an original art piece using an authentic Darth Vader helmet. Those helmets will be showcased around the web and then auctioned off for charity. The proceeds will all go the charity. The artists get the benefit of having their names and work showcased, along with getting some prizes.First place is US$1,000.
Ten Incredible Steampunk Guitars
Turns out, Jon Stewart is immortal. Creepy.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Gallery: The Art of Banksy
Banksy is the nom de guerre of a prolific English graffiti artist, political activist, director and painter whose true identity has remains unknown to the public despite his increasingly public career. His provocative stencil graffiti can be seen throughout the U.K., and thanks to an Oscar nomination for his 2010 documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop, in several spots in the U.S.
Banksy began his career in the Bristol graffiti scene in the early nineties as a hybrid of stenciled and freehand graffiti. By the turn of the century, he worked almost exclusively in stencils in order to create intricate pieces very quickly. Today, most of his work in the U.K. is located either Bristol or London.
Banksy in the United Kingdom
Banksy began his career in the Bristol graffiti scene in the early nineties as a hybrid of stenciled and freehand graffiti. By the turn of the century, he worked almost exclusively in stencils in order to create intricate pieces very quickly. Today, most of his work in the U.K. is located either Bristol or London.
in the media
Link Round-Up: July 19, 2011
Steam Pug by Robin Latkovich
Drawing App for Artists Debuts on Android Tablets Autodesk, best known as creator of the popular 3-D design software AutoCAD, has announced the debut of its SketchBook Pro drawing application for Android tablets
Move Over, Sistine? 15 Stunning Modern Ceiling Designs from the WebUrbanist
Real-life Ian Rankin mystery of 'reverse heist' sculptures: Series of intricate paper artworks linked to Rebus author's work left around Edinburgh
Sand Castle Central - Sand Sculpture Tips and Tricks: Whether you're a beginner, a competitive sand sculptor, or just an admirer of the art, the news, tips, instruction and photos here will be of interest.
Someone has been leaving mysterious miniature paper sculptures in various locations in Scotland. They seem to all be tied to Scottish author Ian Rankin, twitter, and the magic of the written word.
The top 10 open source web fonts
Monday, July 18, 2011
Link Round-Up: July 18, 2011
7 Nerdy Manicures
14 Amazing & Unexpected Urban Art Installations All ephemeral, lasting a few weeks or maybe just a few hours, temporary street art installations are a colorful and engaging addition to ever-evolving urban settings.
7000 edible, medicinal and useful plants
These "Reborn" Harry Potter Babies are creepy as hell, but fascinating.
Voldemort paper toy available for download.
doctor who,
harry potter,
Fan Art: Hermione Fan Art
With Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows breaking box office records around the world this weekend, fans everywhere are saying goodbye to the boy wizard who they've grown up with over the past decade. But it's not just Harry that fans are going to miss. Few supporting characters have garnered as large a following as Harry Potter's Hermione Granger. Here is a gallery of some of the best Hermione fan art to be found on Deviant Art. Feel free to point the way to more in the comments if you know of it!
fan art,
fan art round-up,
harry potter,
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Fan Art: Harry Potter Fan Art
With Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows breaking box office records around the world this weekend, fans everywhere are saying goodbye to the boy wizard who they've grown up with over the past decade. Here’s a look at some of the best Harry Potter fan art cropping around the internet recently. Click the images to see each artist's full gallery
fan art,
fan art round-up,
harry potter,
Posters: The Dark Knight Rises
Teaser poster for The Dark Knight Rises
Hundred of fan-made Dark Knight Rises posters have been circulating since the film was announced, but it looks like we finally have an official teaser poster. It's actually not too far from what fans have already imagined, which makes us wonder if perhaps Warner didn't draw a little inspiration from its fans.
movie posters,
Friday, July 15, 2011
Link Round-Up: July 15, 2011
Someone hacked this Lexington, Kentucky road sign to warn of Death Eaters.
Akinobu Izumi puts tiny worlds, and tiny dinosaurs, in tiny bottles.
Drew Struzan, the artist responsible for countless iconic movie posters of the 70s and 80s, is returning from his 2008 retirement to release a Frankenstein print for Mondo, in association with the Alamo Drafthouse. This is in celebration of the news that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences will now be archiving Mondo posters alongside those officially commissioned by studios.
Tarol Hunt, author of webcomic Goblins, was recently informed that the house he and his family rent had been allowed to fall into foreclosure by its owners, forcing him to make a choice: raise thousands of dollars to buy the home, or be evicted. On July 10th, Thunt appealed to his fans as a last resort: Raise $30,000 by August 20th, as part of his Tempts Fate spin-off, and Tempts Fate will survive the most fiendish, dangerous adventure he's ever faced. His fans raised the money in four days.
harry potter,
Lego Creations: A Song of Ice and Fire
Stark Family
The whole Stark family, in... happier times. "Winter is Coming."
George R. R. Martin’s fantasy masterpiece A Song of Ice and Fire is sweepin the nation. Earlier this week, A Dance with Dragons, was released to great acclaim. Meanwhile, the HBO dramatization of the series, Game of Thrones, received an incredible thirteen Emmy nominations. To celebrate his the fandom, game designer Sam Beattie created this excellent set of Game of Thrones Lego minifigs by cannibalizing other odd Lego sets. Check out the images below, and browse through Sam Beattie’s Flickr for even more images.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Link Round-Up: July 14, 2011
A collection of newspaper headlines from "The Simpsons" (SLYT)
Designer Pablo Curutchet placed a 28-foot-tall, 882-pound cardboard box golem leering at pedestrians in Cordoba, Argentina. Unfortunately for this giant, a steady rain could spell the end of his reign of terror.
Hardware: The Definitive SF Works Of Chris Foss – in pictures
Typeface based on sculpture becomes motorized sculpture. The (European) typeface Jigsaw, “which was inspired by sculpture,” finds a use in typesetting the names of donors to a (U.S.) regional arts council. “A motorized disk contains approximately 2,000 names.... Pushing an initial letter on the control panel allows the viewer to find a particular name. The disk rotates and stops at the requested letter and displays all the names corresponding to the requested letter by backlighting them with white LEDs.” (Gallery; Vimeo video.)
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sweets: Hogwarts Cake
Hogwarts Cake by Charm City Cakes
Read all about this cake and just how delicious it was over at New York Magazine's Grub Street blog, where they have a brief interview with the cake's creator.
harry potter,
Link Round-Up: July 12, 2011
Via: Reddit
10 Scariest Ghostly Images And Recordings
12 Creepiest Abandoned Prisons on Earth
The last Space Shuttle launch, as seen from a students' Space Balloon with the help of Quest For Stars and NASA.
Phillip Toledano’s Portraits of People Playing Video Games
A shot-by-shot remake of the opening sequence of The Prisoner is the video the first song of seventeen planned tunes by Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, all based on episodes of the cult spy-fi series. You can compare the video and the sequence from the series by screenshot or with a picture-in-picture video.
Short Film: Singularity Collapse
Another fan film based off of the Half-Life Universe, with plentiful special effects and action. Interesting how people continue to make films and be inspired by the world of a game from several years ago.
short film,
video games
In the Media: Optical Illusion in Paris
“Who to Believe” by French artist François Abelanet is a large scale optical illusion (anamorphosis) installed in front of Paris City Hall. When viewed from a specific angle (as shown above), the 100 meter long grass installation appears to be a much smaller three-dimensional sphere. However, at another angle (see below), the illusion is broken and the sphere becomes nothing more than a very oddly shaped road median. This French language video from shows how the installation was built.
Photos: Déborah Lesage
Via: Paris, Reddit
in the media,
optical illusion
Monday, July 11, 2011
Link Round-Up: July 11, 2011
Another great map of Westeros, this one painted in excruciating detail in Microsoft Paint. Make sure out check out the huge version to see all of tiny extrra touches.
Beautiful Data: The Art of Science Field Notes
Incredible Steampunk Animal Trophy Heads: the sculptures of Nemo Gould are made of everyday items, re-purposed and assembled to create all kinds of monstrous weirdness — laced with a heady dose of steampunk!
A polargraph is a drawing machine that uses a dual-polar coordinates system. It was created by programmer, designer, and maker Sandy Noble. See the webcame here. More pictures on Computerlove.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Sweets: Geek Wedding Cake
Reddit user suzt03 recently got married. This was her wedding cake topper. I have a feeling that this is one bride who isn't going to allow herself to become a video game widow.
Source: Reddit
Link Round-Up: July 8, 2011
Angry Birds movie reportedly in the works.
Call of Duty: Galactic Warfare coats CoD with Star Wars.
Cold North offers a chart of Ship Comparisons across various sci-fi series. Turns out that a Volkswagen Rabbit is slightly larger than a Starfleet Type 15 Shuttlepod.
Ever wonder how fast Warp speed really is? Here's a Warp Speed Chart spelling things out. Let the arguments commence!
Legoception: Lego’s Lego-making machine that’s made of Lego.
The Physical GIF project aims to turn Internet GIFs into zoetropes.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Short Film: Ollie Klublershturf vs. The Nazis
Before Lost made him one of Hollywood’s hottest writers, Damon Lindelof wrote a one-act play about a time-traveling kid reminiscent of the lead character from Meet the Robinsons and a group of Nazis intent on launching the Fourth Reich.
According to Script Shadow, “Ollie” is the one-act play Lindelof specifically wrote to try and impress Carlton Cuse. The story goes that Cuse was talking to Damon’s agent, and he asked the agent if there was anything he could read, and the agent gets back to him a few days later and says there’s a one-act play he can read. ... Cuse was impressed, stating that the pages “were funny and well-written.” So, that got Lindelof in the room with Cuse, and they immediately hit it off and the rest is presumably history. But, here’s the kicker, according to Cuse, “Little did I know that Damon wrote this original material for the purpose of the meeting.”
In 2010, Director Skot Bright turned that play into a short film staring Zach Mills of Super 8 as boy genius Ollie and a pre-Thor Chris Hemsworth as a Nazis. The results are unbelievably brilliant. Make certain you watch it all the way through to the punchline!
science fiction,
short film,
Link Round-Up: July 7, 2011
Expecto Patronum by John Hendrix
Part of the upcoming Harry Potter Tribute show at Gallery Nucleus
Apophysis turns out to be a great Google image search
Illustrator Kyle Lambert has used his iPad (with the Brushed app) to paint a series of stills from an imaginary Toy Story 3/ The Shining mashup.
Optical illusion alphabet
Pro sushi chef carves 10 Star Wars figures out of vegetables
Shortly before noon yesterday morning an art thief walked into the Weinstein Gallery near San Francisco's Union Square, grabbed Pablo Picasso's 1965 pencil drawing, "Tête de Femme (Head of a Woman)" and strolled casual out of the museum to a waiting cab. Witnesses described the man as a "well dressed" "white man about 6 feet tall, age 30 to 35, wearing a dark jacket, a white shirt, dark pants, large dark glasses and loafers with no socks." Surveillance cameras at nearby restaurant Lefty O'Doul's appear to have captured the suspect as he walked briskly down the street, Picasso under arm. “Most galleries that show this caliber of artwork don’t put it on street level,” said gallery owner Rowland Weinstein. “It’s very upsetting, because my goal is to keep this kind of work accessible to the public.” Weinstein says the piece was insured and is valued at $200,000.
harry potter,
Music Video: Party in the CIA
Video by Ghostbot for Weird Al's "Party in the CIA" (a Miley Cyrus parody)
Art Director Roman Laney posted some concept art for the project.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Illustration: Nightmarish Mario Bros. Villains

Illustrator Mike Puncekar puts a dark spin on the villains of the classic Nintendo video game Super Mario Bros. He transforms what were cute 8-bit characters fit for children into a nightmarish vision that would be more at home in the pages of Alvin Schwartz's Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. I'm especially found of his Goomba and Koopa characters. Someone seriously needs to develop this awesome sketches into a game! I would camp out overnight in front of a GameStop for a cross between BioShock and Mario.
super mario,
video games
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Posters: Hogwarts Travel
Hogwarts and Quidditch world cup travel posters by Caroline Hadilaksono
Created for the Harry Potter Tribute show at Gallery Nucleus
harry potter,
Link Round-Up: July 5, 2011
News: Long-Lost Leonardo Da Vinci Painting to Be Unveiled.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ Margaret Herrick Library today launched its latest online research tool, the Production Art Database. The database contains records for more than 5,300 items from the library’s collection, including motion picture costume and production design drawings, animation art, storyboards and paintings. Nearly half of the records include images, making this an invaluable online resource for researchers interested in motion picture design.
The Broship of the Ring -- The Lord of the Rings envisioned as a buddy/road trip hipster epic. From illustrator Noelle Stevenson.
DIY Fireworks Blow Away Factory-Made Displays
Google's Swiffy makes Flash files HTML5 friendly
lord of the rings,
Merchandise: Marauder’s Map
Until the Marauder’s GPS comes out, you’ll have to make your way around Hogwarts with this official replica of the Harry Potter Marauder’s Map. It’s fully detailed on high quality parchment paper and unfolds to a whopping 72-inches.
Price: $34.99
harry potter,
Monday, July 4, 2011
Short Film: Zero
What do you get when you combine 15kgs of silicon, 2km of wool, 46 highly enthusiastic filmmakers and 2 years of hard work? The answer is Zero.
In a world that judges people by their number, Zero faces constant prejudice and persecution. He walks a lonely path until a chance encounter changes his life forever: he meets a female zero. Together they prove that through determination, courage, and love, nothing can be truly something.
short film,
stop motion,
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Short Film: Terminator 2 - 20 Years
Sunday, July 3rd marks the 20th anniversary of the release of "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" in theatres, so Rymdreglage (now known as "Ninja Moped") made a nifty stop-motion film in honor of the occasion.
short film,
stop motion,
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Photography: Roomba Art
This light painting photograph was created by a group of students over at the IBR Algorithm Group and Braunschweig University of Technology in Germany using a swarm of seven Roomba automated vacuum cleaners. Each one had a different colored LED light attached to the top, making the resulting photo look like some kind of robotic Jackson Pollock painting. The IBRoomba photostream documents the entire process.
I thought that the results were unique, but there’s actually an entire Flickr group dedicated to using Roombas for light painting. You can see some of the best of those photos in the gallery below.
I thought that the results were unique, but there’s actually an entire Flickr group dedicated to using Roombas for light painting. You can see some of the best of those photos in the gallery below.
electronic art,
light painting,
Crafts: 555 Footstool
The 555 Footstool commemorates one of the most iconic integrated circuits ever produced, the 555 timer chip. Since its introduction in 1971, electronic hobbyists and tinkerers have found endless applications for it: timing, flashing, oscillating, measuring, tone/sound effects generation, etc. Check out the winning entries in a recent 555 design contest.
Friday, July 1, 2011
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