"Alt" written and directed by Alejandro Hernández
"Alt" is a Venezuelan science-fiction short film. It tells the story of a woman whose perfect life spirals out of control after everything around her starts to mysteriously vanish.
Sofía is living the life she always wanted: a beautiful child, a successful husband and a nice house. One day, she wakes up with a series of visions she can't explain. Eventually, her family and every object that represents an emotional connection to her starts to dematerialize one by one.
Filmed on a shoe string budget of just 4,000 bolivares (US$350), "Alt" proves that it's possible to create an intellectually satisfying film in the six minutes given the right cast is given an intelligent script. While there are fleeting moments when the film's low budget "seams" are evident, what's remarkable is how little those moment subtract from the impact of the film.
Sofía is living the life she always wanted: a beautiful child, a successful husband and a nice house. One day, she wakes up with a series of visions she can't explain. Eventually, her family and every object that represents an emotional connection to her starts to dematerialize one by one.
Filmed on a shoe string budget of just 4,000 bolivares (US$350), "Alt" proves that it's possible to create an intellectually satisfying film in the six minutes given the right cast is given an intelligent script. While there are fleeting moments when the film's low budget "seams" are evident, what's remarkable is how little those moment subtract from the impact of the film.
"The perfect life of a woman spirals out of control after everything around her starts to mysteriously vanish."
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