Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Fan Art Round-Up: Wonder Woman 3

[ Related: Part 1 and Part 2 ]

Fan Art Round-Up: Wonder Woman 2

"Wonder Woman" by Spain-based David Ríos (Daekai)
[ Related: Part 1 and Part 3 ]

Fan Art Round-Up: Wonder Woman

A gallery of fan art featuring Wonder Woman.
[ Related: Part 2 and Part 3 ]

Sci-Fi Round-Up: May 30, 2017

[ Related: Wonder Woman Fan Art Gallery Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 ]


Around The Marvel Universe With Al Ewing
Cinematographer Matthew Jensen Compares the New Film to Donner's Superman
Eating Authors: J. Mulrooney (Campbell Award Nominee)
Gal Gadot On Making 'Wonder Woman:' 'We Left Cynicism Aside'
Jim Hines, The Fantasy Author Using Humor to Get Serious About Disability and Gender
Laini Taylor, author of Strange The Dreamer
Sudbury Writer Nina Nesseth Decodes science behind Orphan Black

Link Round-Up: May 30, 2017

"Rogue One" by Canada-based Derek Laufman
Prints available for purchase from the author's website. US$20

The Darth Vader armchair is a custom-made piece by DSDStudio on Etsy and will run you $12,000 (before shipping from Russia). Only 10 will be made.

Forging Wonder Woman’s God Killer Sword in Real Life

Here are13 Amazing Women Who’ve Been Making Comics for Longer Than the Internet Would Have You Believe in honor of Wonder Woman's release

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Gallery: Vanity Fair on Star Wars

(Inspired by the Vanity Fair Photo Shoot)

There's been a growing buzz surrounding the 40th anniversary of Star Wars since the beginning of the year, but today is the day!  On May 25th 1977, Star Wars made its debut in theaters.  Forty years later, the franchise is going stronger than ever, and fans are more fanatical than ever.
The Star Wars films are pretty much the cornerstone of geek culture, and if you're reading this blog, it's a sure thing that the franchise played a role in your life as well.

Tuesday, Vanity Fair revealed the covers for their Star Wars 40th anniversary issue.  Yesterday, they followed the covers up with  a behind-the-scenes video of the photo shoot with the legendary Annie Leibovitz, along with interviews with the cast and crew.  The magazine's features are the first in-depth coverage of The Last Jedi, signalling that the summer's marketing train has officially left the station.

Needless to say, the photos of Carrie Fisher stir up the feels in a major way.  Seeing her intimately posed with Mark and her daughter raises the spectre of what might have been, especially in light of the recent revelation that Fisher would have led ninth Star Wars movie

Head on over to Vanity Fair to check out more gorgeous photos and behind-the-scenes stories. It’s a very interesting read, but be warned!  Some of the articles are mild spoilers.  There's at least one instances in which an actor describes a scene he shot with Fisher that clearly indicates a confrontation between the two actors' characters.

Video Essay: Superhero Movies Get Old

Vlogger Evan Puschak of The Nerdwriter examines the superhero franchises and how the seemingly permanent infallibility of characters can become tiresome.  Puschak compares the satirical humor of Deadpool and the hopeless desolation of Logan.
"In the end Logan makes the final turn into reaffirmation one last act of sacrificial heroics that reaffirms the myth even after exposing it as inadequate. You know it makes me wonder if this is the limit of superhero movies. It’s unclear whether a film that sought to fully demythologize this myth could ever really get made or if the genre itself is even mature enough to handle such a thing"

Video Essay: Arrival — an Adaptation

Arrival was the most intellectually stimulating film to hit theaters of 2016.  Both epic and intimate, soulful and suspenseful, the movie was literary in way so few modern movies are.

In his latest video essay, Michael Tucker of Lessons from the Screenplay examines how Denis Vialleneuve's film departs from Ted Chiang's source material, Story of Your Life, transforming Louise's story from one of predestination into one of choice.

In the short story, Louise's daughter dies in a rock-climbing accident.  In the movie adaptation, she dies from an unpreventable illness.  In an interview on Jeff Goldsmith’s podcast, The Q&A, screenwriter Eric Heisserer explains “I think it’s more profound for me if she has a choice, if she has free will, and can change her future, and yet she chooses to have Hannah.”

The choice is a superb example of how adapting a story for the big screen can actually add depth, rather than gutting it.  Tucker elaborates on Heisserer's deft touch with an analysis of the movie's exposition and editing changed scenes, ultimately resulting in a more powerful narrative.

Posters: Star Wars Episode VII

"Star Wars Episode VII" by Ukraine-based AndrewSS7

Posters: Rey and BB-8

"Rey and BB-8" by Spain-based Sonia Matas (Sonia MS)
Prints available for purchase from Society6. US$20

Sci-Fi Round-Up: May 25, 2017


Director Milton Ginsberg Talks About His New Sci-Fi Film
Cory Doctorow On Cyber Warfare, Lawbreaking, And His New Novel ...
Neil Degrasse Tyson Talks Movie Accuracy With The Citizen-Times
Q&A: Junot Diaz, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author
Sci-Fi author Nnedi Okorafor On Creating An Interstellar Coming-Of Story

Link Round-Up: May 25, 2017

"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" by Jonathan Burton
Limited edition prints available for purchase from Bottleneck Gallery. US$50

CNC Routing A 12 Foot Wide Piece Of Window Art

This Gorgeous 10-Second Milky Way Photo Was Shot Hand-Held

How many ways can you destroy a piano? Piano smashing contests were a UK fad in the 1960s, eventually crossing over to the US. Teams used sledgehammers to destroy an upright piano to the point where pieces of the piano could be passed through a 9-inch diameter hole. Infrequent piano smashing contests have been held in recent years although Guinness World Records has retired the category from active competition. Using sledgehammers is one thing, but composer Annea Lockwood has several creative ways to dispose of pianos.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Music Video: Wonder Woman Theme

Cellist Tina Guo is one of the most talented musicians on YouTube, and if you've never heard one of her pieces, you're in for a treat.  Her version of Wonder Woman’s theme from Batman v Superman is incredible.

Music Video: May It Be (LoTR)

Luka Sulic and Stjepan Hauser of 2CELLOS performed an incredible cover of the song “May It Be” from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring with the London Symphony Orchestra. The mesmerizing track is from 2CELLOS' new album, Score, which is now available to purchase from Amazon.

Humor: Fandom

I can personally couch for the fact that this is 100% accurate.

Humor: Shoot for the Moon

Tattoo: Ukiyo-inspired Silliness

A post shared by brindi (@brinditattoo) on

Ukiyo-e-inspired Tattoos by Maxime Gautron (Brindi)
Silkscreen prints available for purchase from the artist's website.

Maxime Gautron, owner of the Brindi Tattoo Parlor in Toulouse, France, has recently unveiled his latest masterpieces on Instagram.  They're a series of tattoos that draw inspiration from Japanese woodblock prints, known as Ukiyo-e ("pictures of the floating world").  If you look closely, though, each of his tattoos contains a small thread of silliness.  I'm not sure I'd want to wear on for life, but they sure are fun to look at.

Posters: Mass Effect: Andromeda

Posters: Legend of Zelda Redux

Illustration: Twin Peaks Postcards

Part of the 20th Anniversary Art Exhibition at the Menier Gallery in London

Get a load of these beautiful Twin Peaks character illustrations.  They've been drawn of the backs of a lovely set of vintage postcards befitting the characters on their reverse side.

Illustration: Men of Twin Peaks

"Men of Twin Peaks" by San Francisco-based Emma Munger

San Francisco-based illustrator Emma Munger created this awesome series depicting the men of Twin Peaks in classic pin-up poses in the style of American tattoo artist Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins. Each one is presented with a quote and accessories that match their wonderfully distinct characters. Agent Cooper enjoys a damn fine cup of coffee and a slice of cherry pie, Sheriff Truman twirls a frosted donut on his finger, and consummate angler Pete Martell is depicted in thigh-deep water holding up his infamous fish in the percolator.  Also, don't miss the Ladies of Twin Peaks.

Illustration: Twin Peaks Tarot Cards

Prints available for purchase from Society6.

These incredible Twin Peaks-themed tarot cards were created by Twin Peaks superfan Benjamin Mackey, co-creator of the ongoing SAINTS comic book series. Mackey recently started working his way through the 22 Major Arcana of the tarot. Styled after the popular Rider-Waite-Smith deck, Mackey carefully selected imagery from David Lynch’s cult TV series that best suit the symbolism of each card.

Gaming Round-Up: May 22, 2017

"Prey Fanart" by UK-based Rose Davies

Infographic: Video Games Are Good For Your Brain

Review: Injustice 2 is a rewarding fighting game for fans and first-timers alike

7 fascinating facts you didn’t know about Overwatch

8-bit Music Theory breaks down why Mario music sounds "fun", examines nonfunctional harmony in Chrono Trigger, investigates the history of Zelda overworld themes, and plenty more.

Sci-Fi Round-Up: May 22, 2017


Black Mirror Creator Explains What A Trump Episode Would Look Like
Doctor Who Actress Michelle Gomez Reveals Missys Departure From ...
Hanway Films Duo Talk A24 Partnership And 'How To Talk To Girls At Parties"


12 Monkeys Season 4 Confirmed As Series' Last
An 'Event Horizon' Director's Cut Will Never Happen Due To Lost Footage
Arnold Schwarzenegger Returning For A New 'Terminator' Movie
Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron Making New 'Terminator'
Charlie Chaplin's The Kid To Be Reimagined As Animated Sci-Fi film
Did You Recognise The Defendant In C4's The Trial From Star Wars...
Don't Come Anywhere Near 'Radius' At Cannes
Io9 Co-Founder Charlie Jane Anders Wins Best Novel At This Year's ...
'I'm Back': Arnold Schwarzenegger Confirms Return To Terminator ...
Learn 'Game Of Thrones' Language Dothraki At U.C. Berkley
Producer Teases Jennifer Lawrence's Return To X-Men
Resident Evil Targets A Franchise Reboot
Scientists Are Bringing Back Extinct Species
Scientists Worldwide Turn Telescopes To "Alien Megastructure" Star
Spider-Man: Homecoming Composer Michael Giacchino Teases Score
Star Wars: Set Photos Reveal First Look Of Alden Ehrenreich
Star Warsturns 40: Nostalgia And Worries
Star Wars overtakes Barbie With $5-B Us Toy Sales
Take A Tour Through Destiny 2's Gorgeous Newsci-Fiworlds
The Winners Of The 2016 Nebula Awards Are… Novel

Link Round-Up: May 22, 2017

3D Printed Mass Effect Prop Folds Up Just Like in the Game

25 Wheeled Wonders of Maker Faire Bay Area

According to The New York Times, Marie Boltenstern creates intricate metal jewelry with 3D printing for the family company, Boltenstern. Maria prints the designs in the company’s Vienna location. 18-karat gold bracelets that normally sell for upwards of $29,000 are now printed in 20 hours or less.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Posters: Stranger Things

Prints available for purchase from Society6. US$18

Posters: Guardians of the Galaxy

Created by Jérémy Pailler
Part of the Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 from the Poster Posse

Posters: Star Lord

Sci-Fi Round-Up: May 18, 2017

"Alien:Covenant" by Turkey-based Ertaç Altınöz


Alien: Covenant star Danny McBride: ‘This movie is scary as s---’
Author Query: Miranda Emmerson, author of Miss Treadway and the Field of Stars
Interview With Jessica Reisman, author of Substrate Phantoms

Link Round-Up: May 18, 2017

Ghost in the Shell by Tsuchinoko

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Sci-Fi Round-Up: May 16, 2017


Arrival Screenwriter Eric Heisserer Unleashes Valiant's Secret Weapons
Eating Authors: Paul Levinson, author of The Plot to Save Socrates
What The Big Bang Theory's Mayim Bialik Thinks Sheldon And...
William Shatner Talks The Power Of Science Fiction on Startalk

Link Round-Up: May 16, 2017

Google Gives Us The Opportunity To Create Our Own Google Assistant

How VHS Tapes and Bootleg Translations Started an Anime Fan War in the 90s: In early 1997, a competing group, Central Anime, allegedly made copies of Tomodachi's subs and released them under their own name. This was seen as bad form and a sort of dishonour among thieves. Tomodachi retaliated by refusing to release the show's final 20 episodes, which they had already finished subtitling, to anyone.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Gaming Round-Up: May 15, 2017

5 Moms in video games who deserve our thanks - "These invisible mothers do have relationships with their children but we rarely have the opportunity to experience it. These mothers cannot grow alongside their kids the way a father/child duo can. That’s not to say that moms are doomed to stay as passive figures forever. There are games where mothers do exist, and their presence does not go by unnoticed. Here are some of our favorite maternal figures in video games."

Dead, Evil Or Distant: The Reality Of Motherhood In Gaming - "It would be fair to say that the invisibility of mothers is more a symptom of a larger issue in modern storytelling than it is a pitfall of video game writing alone. But while it's becoming more common to see a female heroine in a film or TV show, VideoGames remain a few steps behind."

Friday, May 12, 2017

Sci-Fi Round-Up: May 12, 2017


Impulse Gear's Seth Luisi On Farpoint, Playstation Vr'ssci-Fishooter
Interview With J.H. Moncrieff, Author Of The Ghostwriters Series
Jon Spaihts Interview: Passengers, Prometheus

Link Round-Up: May 12, 2017

Chemist Discovered A New Blue–And Now Crayola Is Making It Into A Crayon

How Western Michigan Quietly Became A Graphic Design Hotspot

NASA’s Juno space probe continues to send back truly awesome images of Jupiter.  Juno’s next flyby is coming right up on May 19, 2017. Follow the probe via the Mission Juno website, Facebook page, or Twitter feed to keep up with the latest images sent from some 365 million miles away.

One Artist’s Search For The Soul Of Google’s Artificial Intelligence

Star Wars Wallets: These are indeed the wallets you’ve been looking for!

This is the 3rd year of the 200 word RPG Challenge. Here's the winners from 2017 and beyond. But that's just the beginning. There is much, much more inside.  2017 winners include MECHANICAL ORYX: "You play as a mysterious mechanical beast with magical powers spreading your domain among the peoples who populate the world."

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Sweets: Baby Groot Cake

How to make a Baby Groot face cake from Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2. I was inspired to make this Groot cake after watching the trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2 as Baby Groot is too cute. Get the recipe along with a detailed list of ingredients in the video description on YouTube.

Posters: The Force Awakens

Posters: The Last Jedi

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" by Fernando Reza
Prints available for purchase from the artist's website. US$50

Posters: Star Wars: Episode IV

"Star Wars: Episode IV" by Derek Laufman
Prints available for purchase from the artist's website. US$20

Posters: A Woman's Place

"A Woman's Place" by Mexico-based Kirkayuu

"A woman's place is in the Resistance."

Posters: Rogue One Vader

"Rogue One Vader" by Canada-based Aaron Edzerza

Posters: Boarding Party

Marko Manev is among my favorite poster artists and one that has frequently been featured here on The Geek Art Gallery. He's topped himself this time, though, with this homage to what I personally think was the single greatest scene in Rogue One. Despite being a re-shoot that just barely made it into the film, I honestly believe that Rogue One has made Darth Vader a proper villain again.

Sci-Fi Round-Up: May 10, 2017

'Blade Runner 2049' by Phil Noto


Mayim Bialik: The Big Bang Theory's Amy Talks Girling Up
Talking Babel With Josiah Bancroft
Within The Sanctuary Of Wings author Marie Brennan


3D Bioprinting : From Science Fiction to Reality?
A Future Where Reading Is A Crime
After Thirteen Lucky Years At Saturn, Cassini's Mission Comes To An End
Alien: Covenant Review: Is Ridley Scott's Sci-Fi prequel Just Doom ...
Can The Us Army's Sci-Fi fanfic Save Us From A Dark Future?
Co-Op Strategy Sci-Fi game To Launch On May 13th
Han Solo Set Photo Reveals A Classic Star Wars location?
In New York City, Star Wars Tops Star Trek For Dog Names
The Lawnmower Man Gets 4K Release On Blu-Ray
Meow! 'Gotham's New Take On Catwoman's Origin Is A Deadly One
Mit Students Gear Up For Star Wars-Themed Robot Competition
Martian Author's New Book Artemis Gets Movie At Fox
Meat Loaf Is Starring In A New Sci-Fi Show Named 'Ghost Wars'
Neil Degrasse Tyson Reviews This Summer's Sci-Fi Movies
New 'Alien: Covenant' Promo Lists Reasons To Be Afraid
Remember 'Avatar'? Disney Sure Hopes You Do
Ryan Gosling 'Completely Overwhelmed' By Blade Runner 2049
The Lawnmower Man 2-Disc Collector's Edition Blu-Ray Hits This ...
The Strain Sets July Premiere Date For Fourth & Final Season
What Does Luke's 'End' Really Mean For The Last Jedi?

Link Round-Up: May 10, 2017

Prints available for purchase from Gallery1988. US$35
Part of the King art show at Gallery1988.

Alternative Love Blueprint” is a fascinating art map, created by the UK-based Dorothy Collective, that connects the histories of alternative music artists through the blueprint of a transistor radio circuit board. Prints are available for purchase online.

"At the intersection of thread, leaves, and her steady hands, artist Susanna Bauer produces miraculous little sculptures that fuse the natural world with the handmade..."

Banksy Unveils Brexit-Inspired Mural Showing Dismantling Of EU Flag

Friday, May 5, 2017

Sci-Fi Round-Up: May 5, 2017

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 by Jérémy Pailler


All-New Guardians of the Galaxy writer Gerry Duggan wants to make space weird again
Dilman Dila describes the joys and difficulties of making a low-budget indie scifi feature
Interview With Robyn Bennis, Author Of The Guns Above
Edward Snowden And Cory Doctorow Talk Sci-Fi And Reality
George RR Martin And Kim Stanley Robinson Talk Shop
How Sean Gunn Became Marvel's Secret Weapon
John Boyega On Woyzeck,Star Wars and... Beyonce
Zoe Saldana, Sci-Fi Queen, On The Guardians Sequel

Link Round-Up: May 5, 2017

British designer Duncan Shotton has created Planet Pins, a hand painted and cast concrete series of planetary system push pins that allow you to bring “outer-space to your home and office space.” Duncan is currently raising funds on Kickstarter to help with production costs.

CGI Artist Makes A New Digital Illustration Daily For 10 Years, & Is Still Going

A classic scene from Willy Wonka as performed by Gene Wilder, drums, and saxophone. There's a growing series of these, including takes on the USAs recent popular vote loser and random farm animals.

Download 200+ Free Modern Art Books from the Guggenheim Museum

Hey Graphic Designers, Did you know CreativeMornings is now happening in 170 cities? Here are all of the upcoming events this month.

Original production art used in the creation of Katsuhiro Otomo's Akira (1988)

Rarely is the question asked: what would you get when you use the style of the Take on Me music video to adapt a Warhammer 40K story. But luckily Richard Boylan did.

Science Fiction Interfaces -- A project by nnkd.  In the same vein: FakeUI, Kit FUI, Screens on screenUI BAKA, and VisualPunker: UI. The book Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction is a totally excellent treatment of this same topic, with lots of good analysis alongside lots of good good pictures.  Of course, fictional interfaces have done immeasurable harm to the field of real-life user interface design.  Fictional UIs are designed for the benefit of the audience, not the user, but the first thing we do when we try to design an interface in the real world is make it look like Star Trek because we've been programmed to expect interfaces to look like that.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Humor: AT-AT Transport

Sci-Fi Round-Up: May 4, 2017

"GOTG Vol. 2 poster inspired by Roger Kastel's iconic Empire Strikes Back poster."


Alan Moore's 12 Best Answers to the Internet's Questions
Artificial Intelligence Expert Zachary Mason on his new novel, Void Star
Chat With Author Of Feminist Time Travel Book, Bonnie Morris
Chris Pratt Talks On Being A Sex Symbol And Getting Starstruck
Dark Matter By Black Crouch - Excerpt, Interview, Review
Filmmaker Ron Howard Talks Einstein's Genius
William Gibson On Writing The Future In His Upcoming Novel, Agency
Wonder Woman Director On How Success Will Affect Superhero Films
Zoe Saldana On Gamora And Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2

Link Round-Up: May 4, 2017

17 Larger-Than-Life Projects to Behold at the Biggest Maker Faire on Earth

22 Movies And Shows Every Designer Should Watch On Netflix

Calligraphr - Turn your handwriting into fonts with this free tool. Simply download a template from the site, scan in your handwritten letters, and Calligraphr will convert them into fonts. It doesn’t matter if your penmanship isn’t uniform, the program will reproduce variations of the same character based on your writing style and lets you select the variants you prefer, ensuring a neater flow.

Edison electric light sign, circa 1900. This made me think of what invention in my lifetime will need a similar sign? Maybe self-driving cars?

The Eisner Awards, awarding the best in comics, were announced their nominations yesterday.

Elon Musk discusses his new project digging tunnels under LA, the latest from Tesla and SpaceX and his motivation for building a future on Mars in conversation with TED’s Head Curator, Chris Anderson.

A Generative Approach to Simulating Watercolor Paints

How I Built a Giant Mechanical Iris Skylight with a CNC Router

Meet the 'D&D' Players Who Make a Living Running Games

Why I don't trust Batman. A reflection on the impact of Batman on Gotham from the people he thinks he is protecting.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Sculpture: Forgotten Giants

Danish artist Thomas Dambo, known for his incredible hulking wooden sculptures, partnered with the Vestegnes Kulturuge to create a wonderful outdoor exhibition entitled "Forgotten Giants." The handmade wooden giants – Teddy Friendly, Thomas on the Mountain, Sleeping Louis, Oscar Under the Bridge, Hill Top Trine and Little Tilde – were placed in different areas around the beautiful wild areas of western Copenhagen to sit in wait for curious adventurers to come and find them.

Crafts: Crochet Chemistry Set

Sets available for purchase from Etsy. US$38.50

This particular crochet chemistry set is the work of amenagerieofstitches who may or may not add the patterns to her Etsy store sometime in the future. However, if you simply must own an adorable collection of crochet flasks, tubes, beakers and burners, there are numerous ready-made options available.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Sci-Fi Round-Up: May 1, 2017


Composer Paul Haslinger gives a furious groove to RESIDENT EVIL
Cory Doctorow On Beating Death, Post-Scarcity ...
Eating Authors: Robyn Bennis, author of The Guns Above
Neil Gaiman Wishes American Gods Wasn’t Quite So Relevant Right Now


Link Round-Up: May 1, 2017

Cuddly Rigor Mortis show at Gallery 1988

Disney’s Intergalactic Theme Park Quest to Beat Harry Potter: The parks are an increasingly important part of Disney’s business. Television watchers have been canceling their cable subscriptions, imperiling revenue from ESPN, ABC, Disney Channel, and other properties, which generate the bulk of the company’s profit. Stan Meyers, an analyst at Piper Jaffray Cos. who covers Disney, predicts that by 2020, as its TV profit falters, operating income from the parks will climb by 64 percent, to $5.4 billion.

Ferrari builds world’s first racetrack on a cruise ship for China. This feels like a post-apocalyptic sci-fi film setpiece.  Surely only good things can come from racing cars at sea.

Guardians of the Galaxy: A Brief History

Joel and Jonah get interviewed about the revival of MST3K.

Legend of Zelda Deku Tree "Piescraper" Pie

Star Wars And Doctor Who Cardboard Houses For Nerdy Cats from Etsy seller CacaoPets.

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