"Metroid: The Sky Calls" directed by Sam Balcomb of RainfallFilms
Ever since the train wreck that was the Super Mario Bros. back in the nineties, Nintendo has steered clear of the film industry, and while there has been talk of Nintendo getting back into the business
of making movies, maybe they should take note of this fan-made Metroid short film from Rainfall Films called Metroid: The Sky Calls.
Nerdist’s Jessica Chobot as Samus and America Young handle the motion capture and stunt work, and director Sam Balcomb, who was also responsible for that awesome Wonder Woman short film, helms the piece. The visual effects may not be up to blockbuster standards, but there’s definitely an Iron Man meets Alien quality about the short film with the cut between the action outside the suit and the HUD inside of it.
Nerdist’s Jessica Chobot as Samus and America Young handle the motion capture and stunt work, and director Sam Balcomb, who was also responsible for that awesome Wonder Woman short film, helms the piece. The visual effects may not be up to blockbuster standards, but there’s definitely an Iron Man meets Alien quality about the short film with the cut between the action outside the suit and the HUD inside of it.
"The classic Nintendo franchise, Metroid, envisioned through the lens of 60s-70s science fiction cinema such as 2001, Alien, and Solaris: this was the concept for Rainfall’s most recent production. Instead of using a modern approach, a style was developed more in tune with the themes that inspired the first Metroid game in 1986: isolation, exploration, and the wonders of deep space."
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