Thursday, February 5, 2015

Short Film: DIS \ CONNECT

The impact of modern technology and social media is the central theme to British animator, Doug Hindson's latest animation, DIS \ CONNECT.   It's a rather somber look at our modern connected lives where we've become completely addicted to checking our phones and iPads, almost to the point of insane obsession.

The reflective piece was completed in twelve weeks, for his graduation film at Kingston University, UK.  Hindson crafted all the props and models by hand, from card and wood. Hundreds of pieces were designed, cut, glued and painted. Everything was filmed live-action, with rods and strings to control the puppets.
"A search for higher meaning, dissatisfaction with the status quo and a sense that you’re the first person to feel this way. You're not. A semi-satirical coming of age story told by handmade wooden puppets."

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