Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Posters: Uncharted 4

Uncharted 4by Patrick Brown

"Uncharted 4" by Australia-based Patrick Brown
"And here's one to start the new year, staring Nathan Drake in Uncharted 4. I created this based mainly off of the 15-minute gameplay trailer, it helped a lot in terms of knowing what was in the game and how Drake actually looks.

My New Years resolution is to spend more time on details, so I'm trying to add a lot more to my characters overall look, I've seen a lot of extremely talented people here on DA and noticed the best images all focus on great detail, so I'm very inspired to aim for that level.

I cannot wait for this game, Uncharted is one of my most favorite games series yet, so I really wanted to do something special for it."

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