Monday, February 9, 2015

Papercraft: Bag End Silhouette Scene

The Hobbit: Bag End Silhouette Scene by Jack Tuckwell

Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$140.76

This piece features Bag End, the home of Bilbo, Frodo, and later Samwise and Rosie. Each of the eleven layers that makes up this piece is hand cut using pages from The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings relating to the scene and mounted onto black card paper.

The Hobbit: Bag End Silhouette Scene by Jack Tuckwell

The Hobbit: Bag End Silhouette Scene by Jack Tuckwell

The Hobbit: Bag End Silhouette Scene by Jack Tuckwell

The Hobbit: Bag End Silhouette Scene by Jack Tuckwell

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