Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Video: Doctor Who / Inception Crossover

My favorite movie and my favorite television series together, at last!  I always find it funny how episodes of Doctor Who can be cut to mean basically anything.  There is a lot of source material to work with, after all.  This video is a bit brief, but it shows a lot of promise.  

I think someone could go in and edit this into a complete story if they tried.  There are just so many possibilities.  For example, you could inter-cut a scene with old man Rory from "The Angels take Manhattan" and the scene of Saito in Limbo.

"feel free to interpret this video any way you want to, any story and any ending you want to. Because that's basically how the Inception movie works. I won't force you to see through a certain storyline, I just tried to show you what sort of manips and stories are possible and after all...I made it have [no?] sense. Either the Doctor and Amy where victims of the Inception-team.
Or maybe the Doctor only wanted to get rid of Amy.
Or Amy of the Doctor?
Or did something just went wrong during the Inception, some accident which leads to everyone going mad?

Well the main plot is that Amy dies in one of their adventures and of cause the Doctor searches for a way to save her. He can't use the time travel to change things because the paradox would be too massive but he travels the universe until he finds people that are able to change other peoples minds through their dreams. The Doctor wants them to make Amy forget about him [somewhere at some point in the past] so that she'd never come travelling with her...
The rest is up to you :)"

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