Art Resources

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Humor: This Generation

Admit it! Most of us are technology addicts and can’t spend a minute without our beloved gadgets.  a 2011 study released by CourseSmart and Wakefield Research, 38% of college students can’t go 10 minutes without checking their email, tablet or smart phone. A 2010 survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation reported that a significant majority of kids and teens spend about 75% of their waking hours attached to a screen of some sort. A Nielsen 2010 study shows that American teens send or receive 3,339 texts a month. That’s 6+ texts for every hour they’re awake.  Designer Ajit Johnson for Ideal Indian has designed these 16 posters that perfectly sum up the life of this generation.

Of course, I don't think he got it all right.  The first poster seems a bit unrealistic.  I mean, who wants their parents on their blog?

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