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Science Fiction & Fantasy Blogs

Science fiction works tend to engender an enthusiastic following in the academic and literary world. Whether you’re interested in books, movies, TV, or a little bit of everything, you’ll find what you’re looking for in one of the Internet’s many science fiction blogs. Here, we’ll take a look at 100 of the best of these blogs to satisfy your craving for all things sci fi.


These blogs follow the science fiction genre across all mediums.
  1. Big Dumb Object: covers a variety of science fiction, with books, TV and more.
  2. Fantasy & Sci-Fi Lovin’ Blog: Stay on top of fantasy and science fiction news
  3. Fantasy Magazine: magazine all about modern mythcraft and surrealism
  4. Forbidden Planet: celebrates comics, TV, and more in sci fi and fantasy.
  5. Hero Complex: encourages readers to find their inner fanboy for films, comics
  6. io9: a neverending dose of science fiction with news, trivia, and more.
  7. Nuketown: a celebration of all things geeky, including movies, tv, and books.
  8. Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist: the best of the best in fantasy.
  9. Phantazm: offers an interesting look into parallel worlds and alternate views.
  10. RevolutionSF: blog for short stories, news, reviews, and features.
  11. SFFMedia: delivers unique perspectives on sci fi movies, novels, TV, and more.
  12. Science Fiction and Other ODDysseys: This "shape-shifting blog" discusses books, TV and more in science fiction.
  13. SciFi Blog: The SciFi Blog is all about sci fi, movies, books, and more.
  14. Slice of SciFi: You’ll find movies, TV, books, and more on this sci fi blog.
  15. The Wertzone: blog about British science fiction, film, books, and games.


Blogs written by notable science fiction authors.
  1. Craphound: Stay on top of the latest from writer Cory Doctorow on this blog.
  2. Iain Banks: resources and information about the writing of Iain Banks
  3. Mike Brotherton: Mike Brotherton, a science fiction writer, discusses his writing and developments in science fiction.
  4. Tobias Buckell: covers developments in Tobias’ writing and beyond.
  5. Warren Ellis: learn more about the writing and life of Warren Ellis.

Books Blogs

Blogs that track news and topics in the world of print.
  1. Bibliophile Stalker: discusses speculative fiction and related hobbies.
  2. The Bodhisattva: The Bodhisattava covers reviews, interviews, and more on sci fi and fantasy books and comics.
  3. The Book Swede: The Book Swede has reviews, essays, free books and interviews for fantasy, science fiction and horror on this site.
  4. Bookgasm: books and other reading material that you can get excited about.
  5. Bookspot Central: reviews, interviews, and more about science fiction books.
  6. Clarkesworld Magazine: Clarkesworld is full of science fiction, fantasy, and more from new and established authors.
  7. The Galaxy Express: adventures in science fiction romance
  8. Grasping for the Wind: Check out this blog to get high quality reviews on a variety of fantasy and science fiction books.
  9. OF Blog of the Fallen: On this blog you’ll find reviews, interviews, and more about literary and speculative fiction.
  10. SF Novelists: This blog is full of science fiction author writings and more.
  11. SF Signal: This blog reviews science fiction books and more.
  12. SpaceWesterns: Explore the genre of space westerns on this blog.
  13. True Science Fiction: sci fi reviews, free fiction, and more.

Book Publishers

Blogs run by major science fiction publishers. 
  1. Apex Book Company: Follow Apex to stay on top of authors in science fiction
  2. Subterranean Press: The Subterranean Press features a variety of new titles from their authors on this blog.
  3. Suvudu: science fiction and fantasy books, movies, and games.
  4. Tor: Tor writes about science fiction, fantasy, the universe, and related subjects.

Film & Movies

Blogs all about science fiction on the big screen.
  1. Alien Experience: blog to find everything about Alien, Predator, and AVP.
  2. Can’t Stop the Serenity: read about Serenity, Joss Whedon
  3. Cinematical: new developments, reviews, in sci fi and fantasy movies.
  4. I Watch Stuff: This blog is full of movie news, with lots of sci fi features.
  5. MovieCrypt: previews, reviews of movies with supernatural elements.
  6. The Official Star Wars Blog: On this official blog, you’ll get access to the latest developments in the Star Wars world.
  7. SciFi Scanner: find news about sci fi movies, entertainment, and more.
  8. Star Wars Buddies: This blog writes about Star Wars developments and other news in the world of science fiction.
  9. Star Wars Fanworks: audio dramas, radio shows, parodies of Star Wars.


Blogs that will keep you up to date on the latest developments in sci-fi fandom.
  1. Newsarama: discusses the comic book industry, film, TV, and more.
  2. SFScope: find science fiction, fantasy, horror news and reviews.
  3. SciFiChick: news and reviews in the world of science fiction.
  4. Sci Fi Wire: stay on top of the latest sci fi news, photos, and gossip.
  5. Science Fiction Crowsnest: news, reviews, events, and a great community.
  6. Solar Flare: Solar Flare is full of science fiction and fantasy news, including reviews and episode guides.


Find plenty of science fiction opinions on these sci-fi review blogs.
  1. A Dribble of Ink: reviews, news, and more in science fiction writing.
  2. Fantasy Book Critic: a variety of reviews from this fantasy book criticism blog.
  3. Fantasy Debut: reviews anything and everything to do with debut fantasy.
  4. From a Sci Fi Standpoint: thoughtful criticism of the latest science fiction
  5. The Future Fire Reviews: TFF writes reviews of books, films, and other publications in speculative fiction.
  6. I Hope I Didn’t Just Give Away the Ending: Check out this blog to find speculative fiction reviews for fans and collectors.
  7. Neth Space: Neth Space provides readers with lots of thoughts and reviews on books and other media in speculative fiction.
  8. fiction, fantasy, and paranormal book reviews.
  9. SciFi UK Review: blog is all about sci fi books, movies, and artwork. 


These blogs explore the true science behind science fiction.
  1. Biology in Science Fiction: learn about the biology behind science fiction.
  2. Futurismic: science and technology, with a lot of sci fi thrown in.
  3. LabLit: LabLit offers a look at the culture of science in fiction and fact.
  4. Pink Tentacle: Pink Tentacle celebrates strange science in reality.

Television Fandoms

Follow your favorite science fiction TV shows with these blogs.
  1. The 13th Colony: fan club blog offers a fun and interesting look into BSG.
  2. Adama for President: This blog offers a fun look at a satire Presidential campaign from Battlestar Galactica.
  3. Battlestar Blog: BSG news, reviews, interviews, and fan art.
  4. Behind the Sofa: a collaborative look at the world of Doctor Who.
  5. Big Damn Crafters: Big Damn Crafters is a mashup of Firefly fans who also like to share handcrafted items.
  6. DarkUFO: fan site for LOST news, theories, and more.
  7. Dollriffic: Check out this blog to keep an eye on all things Dollhouse.
  8. Dollverse: The Dollverse is a blog that will take you inside the new Joss Whedon Dollhouse series.
  9. Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog: This blog features videos and related media from the very popular Dr. Horrible web series. 
  10. The Four Toed Foot: blog aims to solve the mysteries of the LOST island.
  11. Fringe Bloggers: These bloggers offer a load of news, spoliers, theories, easter eggs, and more from Fringe.
  12. Fringe Fanatic: Get spoilers, news, and more about Fringe
  13. Fringe Television: Fringe Television offers a friendly place to discuss the show and stay on top of the latest news and clues. 
  14. Galactica Sitrep: This is an essential blog to read for Battlestar Galactica fans.
  15. Galactica Station: In this Battlestar Galactica blog, you’ll find updates on webisodes, news, and lots more.
  16. Get LOST with JOpinionated: loads of LOST videos, theories, and more
  17. Heroes Television: blog about Heroes for spoilers, sneak peeks, and more.
  18. I Am a TV Junkie: This TV junkie shares news and more about Fringe, Battlestar Galactica, and other popular sci fi shows.
  19. Karen’s LOST Notebook: updates and insightful commentary on LOST.
  20. Lost Media: You’ll be able to find episode guides, spoilers, and other great information about LOST on this blog.
  21. Not Confused Just Lost: This blog is full of overanalysis of the series LOST.
  22. The ODI: awesome source for news, spoilers, and more from LOST.
  23. Planet Gallifrey: Check out this blog to find all of the latest news and developments on Doctor Who and related shows.
  24. Room 23: a gathering place for LOST fans to share fan fiction and more.
  25. Sarah Jane TV: Check out the Sarah Jane blog to learn about news and developments from The Sarah Jane Adventures.
  26. Sawyer’s LOST World: get spoilers and more about LOST.
  27. Stargate Atlantis: insider information and insight on Stargate Atlantis
  28. Star Trek Sci Fi Blog: learn about the old TV show and new developments.
  29. Tahmoh Penikett: follows actor Tahmoh Penikett of BSG and Dollhouse.
  30. The TailSection: blog for spoilers, news, recaps, and more from LOST.
  31. all the latest news from the popular Dr. Who spinoff series.
  32. This blog celebrates everything that is True Blood.
  33. The Watcher: Maureen Ryan’s TV blog about of science fiction TV.
  34. Watching Dollhouse: fansite blog all about Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse series.
  35. Whedonesque: Whedonesque is a blog all about the world of Joss Whedon. 


  1. well this list is really helpful for ebook readers and i found this Greys helpful to read some good work.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
