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Monday, May 15, 2017

Gaming Round-Up: May 15, 2017

5 Moms in video games who deserve our thanks - "These invisible mothers do have relationships with their children but we rarely have the opportunity to experience it. These mothers cannot grow alongside their kids the way a father/child duo can. That’s not to say that moms are doomed to stay as passive figures forever. There are games where mothers do exist, and their presence does not go by unnoticed. Here are some of our favorite maternal figures in video games."

Dead, Evil Or Distant: The Reality Of Motherhood In Gaming - "It would be fair to say that the invisibility of mothers is more a symptom of a larger issue in modern storytelling than it is a pitfall of video game writing alone. But while it's becoming more common to see a female heroine in a film or TV show, VideoGames remain a few steps behind."

Is The Boss in Metal Gear Solid 3 the best portrayal of motherhood in video games?

Keza MacDonald on how to play videogames after having a baby

Sarah Lea Donlan on how blowing up planes in Grand Theft Auto V helped ease her into motherhood. 

Where are all the video game moms? - "gaming generally treats moms as background narrative props for protagonists, very often dead or absent. Sometimes, older women with children are presented as anti-moms, whose quest for power concludes with sentiments of regret generally absent from games in which male villains are vanquished. Those women who are portrayed as positive mother figures are often not actual mothers at all."

Why is motherhood so badly portrayed in video games? - "'To have a mother who's dead or missing or absent is a cheap way of making people have feelings,' ... 'Very rarely are [mothers] the protagonist.'"

Why is motherhood so poorly portrayed in video games? by Kate Gray - "If everything I learned about motherhood was from games, a large part of it would be “you die roughly five minutes after giving birth, surviving just long enough to leave a memento or a letter that will later serve as the motivation for your child to do some big quest"

Why Portrayals of Moms in Video Games Are So Messed Up - “Where are all the mothers, and why can't we play them? It almost seems like video game developers are creatively constrained in their narratives by the concept of a mother. It seems natural for a father to go out into the big, wide world fighting evil; women, on the other hand, appear mostly stuck in their traditional roles as childbearing caregivers."

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