Art Resources

Monday, November 30, 2015

Comic Round-Up: November 30, 2015

Spider-Man by Iqnatius Budi

Spider-Man by Jakarta, Indonesia-based Iqnatius Budi

Interview: Bob Mankoff Thinks Cats Are Funnier Than Dogs

Interview: Charged Malaysian cartoonist Zunar vows to fight on as he receives CPJ Press Freedom Award

Interview: Gorillaz artist Jamie Hewlett unveils his first exhibition

Interview: Jessica Abel on Intersection of Comics and and the Limitations of Art

News: Japanese Manga Artist Shigeru Mizuki Dies at 93

News: Tintin expert named Britain's first professor of comics

Reviews: Brandon Mulholand on Robin #6. Brittany Anne on Justice League 3001 #6.

5 Hunger Games Stories Perfect for Comics

5 Reasons That "The Walking Dead" Will Be Better in the Spring

6 Things That Bugged Me About Marvel’s Jessica Jones

Batman visualized in the style of B. Kliban.

CBS’ Supergirl Is a Rare, Well-Done Maternal Narrative

Is Hollywood Producing too Many Comic Book Movies?

Jared Gardner writes about comics and medical issues, suggesting that comics offers narrative connections that might be very insightful into the process of healing.

Jessica Jones’ Lesbian Divorce Storyline Is Fabulous, Frustrating

Marvel vs. DC: Which 2016 Superhero vs. Superhero Movie Will Triumph?

New Batman comic opens with superhero saving young black man from police

Spider-Man: Why Chris Hemsworth Thought Tom Holland Was Perfect For the Role

The Walking Dead: How Does Deanna Die In The Comics?

When Comic Art Meets Fine Art

Why I switched to reading comic books on my phone after a lifetime of buying in stores

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