Art Resources

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Video: Neil Armstrong on Being a Nerd

Jorge Cham of PHD Comics animated this speech Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong delivered at the National Press Club back in February 2000.  In it, Armstrong proclaims himself to be a nerdy engineer, not with his hands up as a guilty admission, but with pride.  He goes on to list engineering's many accomplishments in the 20th century and explain why he has hope for the future.

It's enough to make even the most modest of engineers puff out their chest in pride. Buried within this rousing rallying cry for the 'nerdy' is a warning that, if this century is to be as monumental as the last, we need a new generation of pioneers to help drive our race forward.  In closing, Armstrong states,  "..the future is a bit foggy, but it is not unreasonable to suggest that the 21st century will enjoy a rate of progress not unlike the 20th. It's something to hope for."

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