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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Gaming Round-Up: December 4, 2013

Retro PS4 Mockup

Following on from Gameswipe (part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5) and a less than successful attempt to teach Jon Snow about Videogames. Charlie Brooker explains how videogames changed the world.  The video resulted in an article entitled How Jon Snow dissing the PlayStation 4 explains why no one cares you can't afford a house.

Gaines Hubbell of  Higher Level Gamer doesn’t think this generation produced a game changer, but Mass Effect 3 comes close.

Jamie Madigan sums up some research regaurding the human tendency to make avatars that are idealized representations of ourselves.

Maria Konnikova sums up flow, decision making, and the history of the first-person shooter.

A new Tumblr examines the digital representation of plants and how they get translated into games.

Nick Hanford talks about the mythical Citizen Kane of Videogames, and as always when this conversation crops up, I’ve got three words for you: Super Mario Bros. Nick’s argument is that the discourse around the CKoVG actually eclipses the impact of any games themselves.

Richard Weiss of Escapist magazine shares his experience playing Modern Warfare in a modern warzone: “Working in Iraq – and getting a taste of real adrenaline, even as a civilian – didn’t turn Modern Warfare weird for me; it made it boring.”

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