Art Resources

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Link Round-Up: July 18, 2012

Created especially for Motor City Nightmares horror film convention

Infographic: 73 Years of Visual Batman History

'Breaking Bad' Meth Lab In Legos

Bryn Oh is staging an art exhibition called Virginia Alone simultaneously at the Santa Fe New Media Festival and in Second Life (free account required). Virginia is a blind, 80 years old woman who made audio recordings of her life alone in the Canadian wilderness. Bryn distilled hundreds of tapes down into several excerpts accompanied by both analog and virtual images. Bryn's other art works are preserved at her YouTube.

How to steal like an artist (and nine other things nobody told me).

Michael McDonough's Top Ten Things They Never Taught Me in Design School


  1. Zombie Head Popcorn Bucket by the Y&R Ad Agency
    Created especially for Motor City Nightmares horror film convention..... That is Bronson Pinchot's head from the movie "The Langoliers" by Steven King....

    1. Okay, now that you've pointed it out, I see it, but there's no way a professional agency would just Photoshop a frame from a movie onto merchandise... right?

    2. Lmao. Just like music, there are so many loop holes that they can use to get away with that. Heck, or maybe they even thought no-one would recognize it and say anything. Lol. Then since it was "shopped", no-one can do anything. It's still awesome! Either way, I wish I could've gotten one. But being so far south of there, there was no way. lol
