Art Resources

Monday, April 13, 2015

Fan Art Round-Up: GoT Settings

Bran and Hodor discovering the Three-Eyed Raven by Kay Huang.

Game of Thrones Fan Art Gallery

If the twincest and mayhem of Game of Thrones didn't keep our attention riveted to the screen, the backdrop of Westeros alone would be reason enough to watch.  I'd be hard pressed to name another series to feature such beautiful settings. 

"Giant of Lannister"  by China-based Kay Huang (zippo514)

We are the watchers on the Wall by Grzegorz Rutkowski

Dance with dragons by GRR Martin by MarcSimonetti

The Titan of Braavos by Kay Huang.

Concept art for the Eyrie from Game of Thrones by Alexander Borodin

"Eyrie" by Ukraine-based Alexander Borodin

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