Art Resources

Friday, May 29, 2015

Music Video: NSA SONG

Reemember last month when John Oliver gave that hilarious interview with Edward Snowden about the NSA seeing your Dick Pics?  Well, this week ADHD joins in the fun, stealing a page from Schoolhouse Rock, and educates us on what the NSA really does with all of their high-tech surveillance equipment. NSFW!

Video: Adventure with Sticky Notes

To promote its 4K Action Cam, Sony created this OK Go-worthy video, in which they drove the cameras on a robotic platform surrounded by thousands of moving sticky notes which created a colorful landscape to travel through.
"Enjoy the color adventure with more than two hundred thousand sticky notes shot 100% by Sony’s 4K Action Cam, FDR-X1000V! You have never seen such a playful POV movie with the synchro of sounds and gimmicks."

Video: ILM 40th Anniversary

2015 marks the 40th anniversary of Industrial Light and Magic, the most revered special effects company in the world. It was famously created by George Lucas in 1975 to help make his movie, Star Wars, and has since gone on to basically create almost every single big special effects movie you've ever seen in a theater. Here's a jaw-dropping, one-minute montage of their 40 year history, up to and including Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
"In 1975 George Lucas formed Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) to create the special effects for his space opera Star Wars. Since that time, ILM has contributed to over 300 films in the process earning 15 Academy Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Visual Effects and 28 Scientific and Technical Achievement from the Academy."

Documentary: Our Star Trek

The new documentary short "Our Star Trek: The Fifty Year Mission" focuses on the fan series Star Trek Continues.
"Star Trek - it's iconic, but many do not fully understand what it means to the world.

In the wake of the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek, is Gene Roddenberry's original vision for humanity still alive? Centered around the fan production, 'Star Trek Continues', this documentary film explores some of the people who create Star Trek today and their quest to get it right.

This film is a fan production about a fan production, but possibly about much more than that. The cast and crew of 'Star Trek Continues' facilitate an important discussion about what makes something truly Star Trek.

There are MANY other fantastic Star Trek fan productions out there - I encourage people to go check those out too. Budget limitations forced us to make only one trip and the STC Enterprise happened to be closest to us.

My hope is that this film, in a very small way, will help make sense of what Star Trek means to the world. As the old Vulcan saying, popularized by the late Leonard Nimoy goes, "Live long and prosper"."

Lecture: Why Akira Matters

Katsuhiro Otomo’s anime masterpiece Akira is widely regarded as one of the most groundbreaking and influential films of all time. Based on the artist’s own landmark manga series of the same name, the film not only shattered box office records around the world but has retained a fiercely dedicated audience of animators and aficionados for more than twenty years – and for good reason. Akira revolutionized animation and arguably saved the Japanese film industry, paving the way for a new generation of artists and spawning a worldwide acceptance of animation as high art.  In this brief video, Joe Peacock explains some of the many reasons why Akira matters.

Lecture: Do We Live In The Future?

PBS Idea Channel host Mike Rugnetta explores whether we live in the future, er, now. Rugnetta looks at what our concepts of “The Future” mean for the present, and whether we’re missing out by documenting and preparing for it.
"We spend a lot of time thinking about THE FUTURE. But spoilers, maybe the future is now! Forget hoverboards, flying cars, jetpacks, and structures made of bubbles — the future is here, and your notion of the one you were “promised” was probably a lie. Look around you! Computers the size of pennies, instant communication across the oceans. The Future is now! But why still do we defer to an idea of “The Future”? And what happens to Now when we’re living in the future? Watch this week’s episode of PBS Idea Channel and find out!"

Short Film: Luke & the Void

"Luke & the Void" Written and Directed by Matt Harris-Freeth

"Luke & the Void" is a stylised and cinematic sci-fi short film set in 1986.  An only child, Luke has problems at home and at school, so he embarks on a mission to leave it all behind.

Short Film: Kung Fury

"Kung Fury" Written and Directed by David Sandberg of LaserUnicorns

"Kung Fury" is a completely over-the-top eighties-style action comedy that was funded through Kickstarter early last year.  In it, Kung Fury, a Kung Fu master-slash-renegade cop, travels back in time to kill Hitler.  The events that ensue are the very epitome of "good bad" movie tropes.  The only thing missing is Bruce Campbell.

The film's campaign was launched in December 2013 was backed by more than 17,000 people for a total of US$630,000 in funding.
"During an unfortunate series of events a friend of Kung Fury is assasinated by the most dangerous kung fu master criminal of all time; Adolf Hitler, a.k.a Kung Führer. Kung Fury decides to travel back in time, to Nazi Germany, in order to kill Hitler and end the Nazi empire once and for all. Kung Fury is a visually spectacular action comedy that has it’s foundation in 80s cop movies."

Posters: Video Game Heroes

Video Game Heroes by Louis Roskosch

"Video Game Heroes" by Louis Roskosch
Prints available for purchase from Society6.

Posters: Fury

"Fury" by Greg Ruth
Prints available for purchase from BigCartel. US$35 - $65

Posters: Doof Warrior

Mad Max: Doof Warrior

"Mad Max: Doof Warrior" by Lazare Gvimradze
Prints available for purchase from Society6. US$23.92
"Been at this on-and-off for days now. I wanted to devote a huge explosive piece to the one true star of Fury Road, the one who is burdened with a single mission amidst the chaos and madness: to shred. At all costs. Till the end of ends.

I pushed myself a bit, stepped away from my recent comfort zone of 2D minimalism and tried to convey motion, since everything I’ve done so far is pretty much rooted in static shapes."

Posters: Let's Go!

Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$30

Illustration: The Modern Dragon

Dragons Living In Our Modern World

"The Modern Dragon" by Cape Town, South Africa-based Lynton Levengood
Prints available for purchase from InPRNT.

Lynton Levengood illustrates dragons as though they were cats, which might not be that nerdy, except that I spent a good deal of my childhood in Pern, imagining just such a pet.
"I am an artist from South Africa. I grew up loving fantasy art and stories. The dragons that inhabited them always felt like the most imposing of characters. I loved imagining what they would look like. I try work humor into my work as much as I can, there is so much inspiration out there.

Cats and dogs inspire me with the funny things they do, old sayings and jokes, even the news. It really makes me happy to see people smile, both young and old as they look through the modern dragons."

Illustration: Fantastic Flying Cars

"Fantastic Voyages" by Toronto-based Steve McDonald

Do you ever get bored riding around in the plain old land-bound vehicles?  Weren't we promised flying cars?  In a body of work being developed for a book project called “Fantastic Voyages” Steve McDonald imagines a world of flying cars, boats, buses, and rickshaws all flying above McDonald's signature cityscapes.  The project is still in development, eventually, it will include over sixty different locations. 
"I am an artist from South Africa. I grew up loving fantasy art and stories. The dragons that inhabited them always felt like the most imposing of characters. I loved imagining what they would look like. I try work humor into my work as much as I can, there is so much inspiration out there.

Cats and dogs inspire me with the funny things they do, old sayings and jokes, even the news. It really makes me happy to see people smile, both young and old as they look through the modern dragons."

Illustration: Bad Hulk

Bad HulkCreated by Tom Preston

Black Widow berating Hulk for smashing all the good guys. A submission for the Marvel Entertainment "Avengers: Age of Ultron" tumblr Fan Art contest.

Mash-Up: Furiosamus


A Metroid / Mad Max: Fury Road Mash-Up

Now I'm imagining playing Samus in a game that looks like Borderlands and feels like Grand Theft Auto, and I'm never not going to be sad that I can't have it.

Humor: Getting a New Game

This is so me.

"Getting a New Game" by Steve Napierski of Dueling Analogs

100% accurate.

Fan Art Round-Up: Imperator Furiosa

"IMPERATOR FURIOS" by Madrid, Spain-based MARTA G. VILLENA (Deer_Lady)
Mad Max Fury Road Fan Art Gallery featuring Imperator Furiosa

Mad Max: Fury Road blasted into theaters last week and the reactions have surpassed all expectations.  Charlize Theron steals the show with her character Imperator Furiosa, who fans are already calling one of the leading ladies of genre film after Sigorney Weaver's Ripley and Linda Hamilton's Sarah Connor.  The one-armed heroine has already amassed a huge following, and those fans are flooding the Internet with fan art. Here’s a sampling of the great stuff folks have been making to pay tribute to this incredible character.

Follow the links to see the full artwork in the artists’ galleries, and as usual, if you know of a piece we missed, drop a link in the comments!

Fan Art: Imperator Furiosa Sketches

Imperator Furiosa

Mad Max Fury Road Fan Art Gallery featuring Imperator Furiosa
[ Previously: Imperator Furiosa ]

Every day, more Mad Max fan art crops up, and I see more art and it shows no sign of it slowing down. Here of some of the best examples of fan drawings and sketches.  After you check these out, click on over to the #Furiosa tag on Twitter.

Comic Round-Up: May 29, 2015

Cyborg Cyclops Skeleton by Ryan Genovese

Event: Artist Greg Hinkle will appear at Beach Ball Comics in Anaheim, CA on Wednesday, June 3rd at 5:00 pm to sign the first issue of the AIRBOY reboot! RSVP on Facebook!

Event: FRANK J. BARBIERE (FIVE GHOSTS) and CHRISTOPHER PETERSON (MAYDAY) will appear at Third Eye Comics in Annapolis, MD on Saturday, June 6th from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm to sign BROKEN WORLD #1! RSVP on Facebook

Interview: Abraham Riesman talks to Dan Clowes.

Interview: Daniel Clowes talks about Eightball, his hate mail, and the Shia LaBeouf affair: "I mean, I don’t hold a grudge. I don’t think about it that much. But I don’t think what he did was really forgivable."

Interview: Gary Alan Hidalgo began writing comics when he was in his 30s, after a stroke made it difficult for him to work outside his home. His Northwest Passages Mysteries series, set in Oregon, is the story of a gay married couple that solves mysteries and also has a child.

Interview: Hillary Brown talks to Nate Powell.

Interview: Veteran cartoonist Jules Feiffer discusses the “multiple acts” of his life

Interview: Writer Brian Buccellato talks about his comic Sons of the Devil, which was funded last year by a Kickstarter campaign. The  first issue was released this week from Image Comics.

Interview: Zoe Coughlin draws her webcomic The Last Cowboy while working a day job in a food truck.

Link Round-Up: May 29, 2015

Dragon Age Inquisition: Solas Fan Art by Pinselohr

7 Classic Geek-Friendly Franchises That Deserve A Sequel

10 Intriguing, Well-Loved Tweets From NASA Astronauts In Space

Jacobin mag: John Oliver Should Be More Like Mad Max.
LorenzoAE: John Oliver isn't Mad Max: He's Part of the Problem. "Oliver isn’t going to be Mad Max, nor will he be Howard Beale, Eugene Debs, or Spartacus. He’s going to be John Oliver—an employee of the Time Warner media empire who’s valued highly enough as a corporate asset to make millions of dollars a year. If he or any other celebrity threatened the corporate bottom line rather than serving it, he wouldn’t have his own show, he’d be stuck writing media criticism for free on a WordPress site. If that isn’t obvious, then someone needs to read more Chomsky and watch less John Oliver."  

National Geographic has an exhibit about Indiana Jones and archaeology

Tilda Swinton in Doctor Strange is everything we want to see.

These Star Wars fans are gonna crack the secret of BB-8 if it’s the last thing they do.

Tomorrowland Exposes Hollywood’s Originality Problem

What with Disney owning Marvel, you'd think they'd found a way to crossover all their various princesses by now. Until they finally do, have all your Disney princesses needs met with Amy Mebberson's Pocket Princesses.  It reminds me quite a bit of the classic Disney Princesses have Issues, except heavier on the cute, and a lot lighter on the snark.

Writer and designer Josh Johnson has come up with eight rules that will help you create effective typography. Knowing these rules will help you as you work with major typographic elements in your designs.

You can learn a lot about a state by researching which horror movies were set there.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Video: Daredevil (Law & Order Edit)

Law & Order credits style would be perfect for a spin-off called Law & Order: Hell’s Kitchen. People raved about the grounded, crime drama-style and tone of Daredevil, and so giving the series the opening credits of one of the most iconic crime procedurals of all-time just makes sense. You can just imagine scenes from the show beginning with that signature “donk-donk” sound.

Video: 8-Bit Shawshank Redemption

CineFix reimagines the plot the classic 1994 prison drama film The Shawshank Redemption as an old-school 8-bit video game from the 1980s.

Video: LEGO: First Person Shooter

Back in the mid nineties, Lego released their first 3D video game.  Since then, Lego video games have become a genre standard. There are now countless Lego video games out there, both good and bad, but the one game everyone wants from Lego will most likely never be made as it’s too violent for the kid friendly brick building company.

Thankfully, Andrew M is able to show us what a Lego first person shooter game just might look like. 

Video: One String

MysteryGuitarMan aka Joe Penna has created a wonderfully touching animation that depicts a child growing up to adulthood with the love of her father all throughout her life. The story was amazingly created with a single piece of blue yarn that was positioned and repositioned 703 times.

Short Film: NULL

"(NULL)" by David Gesslbauer & Michael Lange

Created in a month, for an experimental workshop at Filmacademy Baden-Württemberg, Germany, David Gesslbauer & Michael Lange’s "(NULL)" employs a creative aesthetic to the tell the easily identifiable tale of a girl looking to break free of her routine.

Whilst the narrative for "(NULL)" doesn’t exactly break any new ground (but that’s kind of the point), its approach to storytelling makes it a very distinct and watchable short.
"Routine or vicious cycle? An unknown girl breaks out of her daily grind by undergoing an intense audio-visual trip."

Short Film: Donning the Digital Mask

"Donning the Digital Mask: Anonymous" is a Senior project of Chris Finn from the Savannah College of Art and Design.  While it's a bit short on plot, it's long on style.  It looks like the setup for the coolest Hollywood hacker movie ever, and it's presented in a way that makes me believe a film based on this concept would make one hell of a great movie.
"Since its beginning on 4chan, the internet-driven collective Anonymous has emerged as one of the leading hacktivist movements, targeting high-profile institutions with fearless cyber attacks. Looking into how this collective of online hackers went from pranksters to vigilantes for global justice lead to an intriguing discovery of unique qualities that form Anonymous. A certain tonal element of Anonymous resonated with me and immediately translated into an exciting aesthetic I was eager to take on. There is a mesmerizing and compelling, but also terrifying quality to the dynamic spread of a collective who’s story is being written with every new day and operation."

Interior Design: Pac-Man Floors

Ground Kontrol Arcade is one of those landmarks that makes Portland, Oregon such a unique place to live.  When Jessica Helgerson Interior Design was recently contracted to redesign the arcade's interior, they knew they were going to need some incredible retro game features.  One very nice touch was this excellent pair of matching Pac-Man mosaic tile floors in the restrooms.  There's Ms. Pac-Man in the women's restroom and Pac-Man in the men's.

Interior Design: Enterprise Desk and Chair

USS Enterprise Desk and Chair by Super-Fan Builds

Adam Savage recently built his own flawless replica of Kirk’s captain’s chair, but the guys behind "Super-Fan Builds" on the AWE Me channel have taken Trek furniture to the next level by turning the USS Enterprise into a glowing computer desk and office chair for a  Star Trek super-fan named Jake Geiger.  I can’t help but wonder what working with the USS Enterprise’s reflector dish between your legs, but it would be hard to find a reason to complain with this much awesomeness sitting in your office.

Interior Design: Submarine-Themed Pub

A year ago, 6th-Sense Interiors came up with the idea of a themed pub meant to faithfully render the interior of a submarine for one of their clients. The vault shaped ceiling as well as the wagon shaped space divided in two different rooms seemed perfect for this kind of design.

The Romanian Sub pub, in its final form, would have a large and small room, each with its own bar according to their size, together with a small booth. The pub is designed in industrial style with steampunk features. According to the concept idea, the design was supposed to include several details that are commonly found inside any submarine: control panels, periscopes, visible pipes, bolted metal doors, torpedoes, radars.  It's not quite "steampunk," but it's still a sight to behold.
"6th Sense Interiors came up with the idea of a themed pub meant to faithfully render the interior of a submarine. The vault shaped ceiling as well as the wagon shaped space divided in two different rooms seem perfect for this kind of design. “Submarine”, in its final form, will have a large and small room, each with its own bar according to their size, together  with a small booth.

According to the concept idea, the design was supposed to include several details that are commonly found inside any submarine: control panels, periscopes, visible pipes, bolted metal doors, torpedoes, radars, maps. “Submarine” includes two serving bars that have the shape of a submarine made of metal, an antiaircraft booth for the DJ desk, and mobile torpedoes moving on the ceiling. The small room is called the Engine room,  because of the big propeller powered by engines."

Toys: Iron Man Mash-Ups

Customized Iron Man Mash-Ups by Sam Kwok

Sam Kwok takes Iron Man models, repaints them and mashes them up with other pop culture icons to create into some seriously unique pieces.  The detail in the Hot Toys is already incredible.  Here are some of his more interesting pieces, but he's constantly expanding his Facebook gallery, so make sure you click through to check them all out.

Merchandise: Dragon Flamingos

Dragon Flamingos by Kate Higgins (Flamingo Incognito)
Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$105 - $125

Kate Higgns upcycles old lawn flamingos with weather resistant paints, papier-mâché, aluminum foil, recycled plastic, and "lots of coffee and imagination" to transform them into dazzling fantasy creatures, including dragons, sea serpents, mermaids, and dinosaurs.  Each Flamingo Incognito is entirely handmade to order and finished with a protective UV coating to help it withstand the elements.

Visit the Higgins’ Flamingo Incognito Etsy shop to check out many more of her fantastic garden creatures.

Sculpture: Dragon Skeleton

"Dragon Skeleton" by MythicArticulations
Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$110

Toys: Crystal Poke Balls


Crystal Poke Balls by PokeMaster Crafter

These crystal Poke Balls hold a 3D etched Pokemon inside them that glows with the LED light base.  I'm not a huge Pokemon fan, but I love the holographic look of these.
"Each Poke ball is made of a high grade k9 crystal the same material used in high end home decor. The crystal is carved into a 80mm diameter(baseball size) ball and has fine point 3d laser engraving done to it. Using the latest in 3d engraving technologies we burn the image straight into the crystal. This laser is 5 times more precise than traditional 3d engraving to offer amazing detail and realism to each Pokemon."

Toys: Steampunk Mario

Rodrigo Marckezini re-imagines our favorite plumber decks out in steampunk styles.  I'm pretty sure that I'd play this game!

Posters: On the Shoulders of Giants

"On the Shoulders of Giants" by Gavin Aung Than of Zen Pencils
Prints available for purchase from the artist's website. US$25

Click through to read more about who all of these people are!

Posters: Gamer

"Gamer" by David Cano
Prints and merchandise available for purchase from Redbubble.

Posters: X-Men: Days of Future Past

"X-Men: Days of Future Past" by Tom Whalen
Part of the "Pulp Menagerie" art show at the Mondo Gallery.
Prints available for purchase May 28th from the Mondo Gallery.

Posters: What's That Thing He's On?

"What's That Thing He's On?"
A Back to the Future Tribute
Prints available for purchase from Huddle Formation. £30

Posters: Robocop

"Robocop" by James White (Signalnoise)
Prints available for purchase May 29th from Skuzzles. US$60

Posters: The Witcher

"The Witcher" by Krzysztof Domaradzki of StudioKxx

Limited Edition Steelbook covers for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Illustration: Marvel’s Avengers

Marvel’s Avengers Digital Paintings by Dan Berry

Fresh Take: GRAVITY Comix

Prints available for purchase from BigCartel. US$5

This is a “looping zine,” whose story you can start or end at any point, and reach a different ending. When printed in book format, you can easily fold it so that any spread could be inside or on the outside.   Check out the loopdeloop tag on his Tumblr for more of these looping zines. You can order all four of them in a pack.  If you’re in LA, go get a free copy of the zine plus poster at Loop de Loop’s April 3rd screening at Meltdown Comics!

Humor: Daughter


It's too late! The tiaras are coming from inside the house!

Featured Site: Mare Internum

"Mare Internum" is a sci-fi web comic set on Mars launched earlier this year by Der-shing Helmer, the creator of the fantasy web comic The Meek.  The comic centers around Rebekah “Bex” Egunsola, an entomologist who arrives at her new post on an isolated Mars research station, where she meets the station's previous occupant, Michael Fisher, who has just been fired.  Bex is on a mission to determine the feasibility of raising crickets on Mars, but Fisher's mental stability is questionable.  Tension quickly builds between the two as Bex struggles to learn everything she needs to know to survive at the remote outpost while also dealing with Fisher's personal demons.

Shing describes it as "a comic about isolation, living with imperfections, being in dark places, and yeah also bugs and robots I guess. It is also a way for me to communicate some feelings about some bad times in my life without having to actually talk about them. That’s the power of webcomics- it’s a way for me to share a message with you, to teach and hopefully entertain, all without you needing to leave your room. Or me mine, haha."

What sets the comic apart is that the author, Shing, spent two years researching the science behind the story to make sure that it is as accurate as possible.  That makes this a very plausible story that few space nerds are going to be able to resist.  It reminds me of some of my favorite sci-fi movies, like Solaris, Moon, or 2001.  Yes, it's absolutely the science fiction elements that draw you in, but ultimately what keeps you at the edge of your seat is the human drama. 

Bookmark it!

Comic Round-Up: May 28, 2015

The Dark Knight and The Joker by Mark Sparacio

"The Dark Knight and The Joker" by Mark Sparacio

Event: Artist Greg Hinkle will appear at Beach Ball Comics in Anaheim, CA on Wednesday, June 3rd at 5:00 pm to sign the first issue of the AIRBOY reboot!  RSVP on Facebook!

Event: Paul Levitz will appear at Midtown Comics Downtown in New York City to sign Dr. Fate #1 on Wednesday, June 17th at 7:00 PM!  RSVP on Facebook!

Interview: Gil Press reports on a talk by Sydney Padua, creator of The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage, which started out as a joke, turned into a webcomic, and is now a full-blown graphic novel.

Interview: Guy Gilchrist, who has been the artist for the comic strip Nancy for the past 20 years, talks about the timeless nature of the comic, the changes in the medium, and how his Christian faith affects his work.

Interview: Mother Goose and Grimm creator Mike Peters talks about his double life as an editorial cartoonist and a daily strip cartoonist.

Interview: Pearls Before Swine creator Stephan Pastis talks about meeting Charles Schulz, collaborating with Bill Watterson, and changing careers from law to cartooning.

Interview: Peggy Burns, who’s succeeding Chris Olveros as publisher of Drawn and Quarterly, talks about how she and her husband Tom Devlin (who will be the new executive editor) came to D+Q in the first place and how the company and its retail store have developed over the years.

Interview: Van Jensen interviews Brian K. Vaughan (Saga, Y: The Last Man), focusing on how he constructs a story from beginning to end.

Link Round-Up: May 28, 2015

Illustration for a collectible card game.

Interview: The Jurassic World director Colin Trevorrow talks about the irony of putting the Indominus Rex on party plates.

All of her years writing about Dementors have set up J.K. Rowling to sass the Westboro Baptist Church on Twitter.

An argument for the golden age of sci-fi being 29.

Eric Adler of the Adler Vermillion law firm and the Legal Hackers group dives into the odd nuances of copyright laws as applied to video games.  Once upon a time Isaac Asimov wrote a short story about this.

Feminist Mad Max Tumblr: hey girl: you can use my shoulder as a rifle stand, as you’re the better shot of the two of us.

Hayao Miyazaki's - On Your Mark "In 1994, Hayao Miyazaki took a break from writing the script for Princess Mononoke to work on this music video from Japnese pop duo Chage & Aska" 

Shaun Tan is most identified with his distinctly surreal style of 2D still art, but he has also worked in sculpted and animated forms, as seen in his pieces inspired by recently revised stories of the Brothers Grimm, and The Lost Thing, a short film based on his book of the same name.

You won't regret that tattoo: A short, sweet first documentary by Angie Bird, via the Tattoo Historian at Tattoo History Daily.

Posters: Star Wars Trilogy

Star Wars Trilogy Posters by Jason Christman

Posters: Camp Blood

Camp Blood by James Bit

"Camp Blood" by James Bit
Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$30