Art Resources

Friday, February 27, 2015

Fan Film: Seth's Gold

Zapruder Pictures has released this Red Dead Redemption fan film called Seth's Gold.  It's a bit on the amateur side, but it's the best Red Dead Redemption fan piece I've seen.  In particular, the set locations were an impressively professional touch, and the costumes are fantastic.  Fans of the game will definitely want to check this out.

Fan Film: Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope

"Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope" is a pilot episode for a web-series that Machinima hopes to launch.  It's incredibly well made.  In fact, it puts the actual 2009 live action film to shame. 
"Hope is worth fighting for. In Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope, Gohan and Trunks fight against the unstoppable Androids #17 and #18 and try to save as many human lives as possible. The young Trunks must grow up quickly and learn from his mentor, Gohan; but with battles to fight on both the outside and inside, how long can they endure, and where will they find a light of hope? Subscribe, support and share if you want to see more episodes!

This series is an adaptation of “The History of Trunks” TV Special. In this timeline, Goku and the other Z Warriors are dead. This is the story of Gohan and Trunks in their battle to survive against the Androids."

Short Film: Milk and Blood

"Milk and Blood" is a dark comedy about to feuding Icelandic dairy farmers. In it, a bitter and lactose intolerant son grows increasingly frustrated by his father's accusations that he has been sabotaging their milk. When his father goes too far, own aggressive tendencies emerge, and he lashes out. The consequences rapidly ramp up into the absurd, as the two fight over spilt milk.

In addition to being extremely funny, the film is visually stunning, thanks to its Icelandic backdrop. Even people who don't normally enjoy foreign language films will find this one a delight.
"A lactose intolerant dairy farmer takes revenge on his overbearing father after being wrongly accused for breaking the milk tank."

Short Film: Fish Friend

"Fish Friend" by director Jordan Blum of Partcom

"Fish Friend" is a dark comedy that pays homage to the films of director Tim Burton in a style reminiscent of Pixar.  Like Burton's films, "Fish Friend" walks the line between grim and grins, telling the story of a little girl with a murderous piranha rather than the standard goldfish for a pet.
"Fish Friend is the story of a girl and her murderous pet piranha, inspired by 1950s Americana, Tim Burton, and the shorts of Pixar.

You never forget your first pet: this is the lesson ten-year-old Sally learns when she discovers, the hard way, that her new goldfish is actually a bloodthirsty piranha. As Sally and her fish friend forge a lasting relationship, the carnivorous pet wreaks havoc on an unsuspecting neighborhood."

Quick Pic: Tis' but a Scratch

"I saw this car yesterday at a restaurant in Calgary. Whoever's car this is, you made my day."

Fan Art Round-Up: Adorable Big Hero 6

Created by Princekido
Big Hero 6 Fan Art Gallery

As if Big Hero 6 wasn't already cute enough with it's giant fluffy robot, fans around the web have been putting a chibi spin on their fan art that just makes your head want to explode.  Check out some of the best examples here.

Fan Art Round-Up: The Hamada Brothers

Created by SaltyChen
Big Hero 6 Fan Art Gallery featuring The Hamada Brothers

Hiro and Tadashi Hamada fan art gathered from around the web and choked full of feels.

Fan Art Round-Up: Hiro Hamada


Created by 1974
Big Hero 6 Fan Art Gallery featuring Hiro Hamada

More fan art from my new favorite Disney movie, Big Hero 6.  This time, we've rounded up pieces feature Hiro.

Fan Art Round-Up: Baymax

Created by ZipShebam
Big Hero 6 Fan Art Gallery featuring Baymax

I never thought it would happen, but a movie has finally displaced The Black Cauldron as my favorite Disney film.  The name of that film is Big Hero 6.  It's high-tech and heartwarming, fast-paced and family friendly.  Everything you could hope for from a movie about a giant robot built like the Stay Puft Mashmellow Man.  To celebrate, here's a gallery of the best fan made Baymax tributes.

Fan Art Round-Up: Big Hero 6

Created by Tommaso Renieri
Big Hero 6 Fan Art Gallery

In honor of the home video release of Big Hero 6 earlier this week, we've rounded up some of the best of the fan art that's been flooding the web since the film's trailer was released.  It wasn't any simple feat, either.  There are a lot of really talented artist in love with this movie.

Comic Round-Up: February 27, 2015

Infinity Gauntlet #1 Variant by Skottie Young

Infinity Gauntlet #1 Variant by Skottie Young

Events: Neil Gaiman will appear on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. at the Eccles Center Main Stage in Park City, Utah! RSVP on Facebook Tickets available online

Event: Sean Gordon Murphy will appear at Midtown Comics Downtown in NYC on Thursday, March 19th at 6:30 pm for a signing of Chrononauts #1! RSVP on Facebook

Interview: Dan Berry talks to Scott McCloud.

Interview: A Human Story in a Dystopian World: Lee Bermejo Discusses "The Suiciders"

Interview: Making the Reader Root for the Villain: Interview with Writer C.M. Bratton

News: After Letter Goes Viral, DC Comics Turns Girl Into Her Own Superhero (Video)

News: Selina Kyle comes out as bisexual in latest Catwoman issue

News: Society of Illustrators announces Comic and Cartoon Art Annual winners

Reviews: Chris G on She-Hulk #12. Tony Guerrero on The Multiversity: Mastermen #1. Todd Klein on Green Lantern: New Guardians #37. Jason Sacks on Sock Monkey: Deep In The Woods.

Link Round-Up: February 27, 2015

spassundspiele:Nest Protector – Aliens fan art by David Metzger

"Nest Protector" Aliens fan art by David Metzger

Interview: Weta Workshop at 20: an interview with Richard Taylor

600+ Covers of Philip K. Dick Novels from Around the World

A Better Look At The Doctor Who Funko Pops Reveals The Cutest Dalek

CreativeMornings just launched a campaign highlighting Out Of The Ordinary Emails featuring exceptional newsletters about creative obsessions. They’re hoping it will inspire others to start their own.

How Neil Gaiman wound up in one of Diana Wynne Jones’ books.

Listen to “Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar” read by Neil Gaiman. A Young American on a walking tour of the British coastline stumbles into the town of Innsmout where Acolytes of Cthulhu teach him about life, Lovecraft, death and unspeakable horror.”

Overhead Compartment explains how Japanese philosopher-programmer Hiroshi Kawano set to recreating Mondrian's work in algorithmic form back in the sixties.

R. Crumb illustrates Philip K. Dick’s religious experiences, and we all benefit.

Ranking the Films of Tim Burton in ascending order of quality

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Short Film: Danny and the Wild Bunch

"DANNY AND THE WILD BUNCH" written and directed by Robert Rugan

In "Danny and the Wild Bunch," a children's book writer who is having difficult selling her book, but when she tries out her editors' suggestions to make her story "darker" and grittier, the author's life becomes darker as well.
"A children’s book author is told that her new manuscript needs to be “darker”, but when her revisions piss off the characters in the book, they come back to make some changes of their own."

Short Film: Chronemics

Directed By Ed Barrett, Russell Etheridge, Max Halley, Stephanie Johnstone,
Tom Judd, Lana Simanenkova, and Milo Targett

"Chronemics" is a dark animated comedy that was originally produced as a series of fourteen separate vignettes.  Eash individual clips is a simple narrative focused on the notion of light and darkness competing for dominance in a world in which they coexist.

Given the heavy theme, you might expect a ponderous, over-dramatic piece of sophistry from "Chronemics."  Actually, the final cut feels like an old Merry Melodies cartoon with chase scenes and comedically-timed back-and-forth struggles. 

Quick Pic: Facebook Street Sign

Hayward Boulevard Street Signs created by city spokesman Frank Holland
Photos Source: City of Hayward via SFGate

This sign is hilarious, until you consider the circumstances that might have made it necessary.

Humor: Internet Comment Threads

I think that pretending any of those people are twelve is overly optimistic...

Comic Round-Up: February 26, 2015

Obey the TitanCreated by Rafael Poubel

"Obey the Titan" by Brazil-based Rafael Poubel

Event: Mike Mignola, creator of Hellboy, appears at Aw Yeah Comics in Skokie, IL for a signing on Saturday, March 14, 2015 from 1:00 – 4:00 PM! RSVP on Facebook!

Event: Neil Gaiman will appear at the HUB Ballroom at the University of Washington on Friday April 17, 2015 at 7:00 PM! Buy Tickets online ($35)

Interview: Sam Humphries asks What Is Love? in Star-Lord And Kitty Pryde

Interview: Writer Brian Michael Bendis dishes on Avengers, Secret Wars.

News: Comics fan’s cause of death listed as "uppercut from Batman"

News: Matt Fraction & Kelly Sue DeConnick Bring Sex Criminals To TV

Reviews: Tariq Kyle on Orphan Black #1.

Link Round-Up: February 26, 2015

Welcome to the Dark Side by Angga Tantama

"Welcome to the Dark Side" by Surakarta, Indonesia-based Angga Tantama

According to xkcd, Star Trek is still a possible future timeline for us, but Transformers’ future has become obsolete.

The aesthetic divide between those who love Birdman, and those who love Boyhood.

I'm guessing that this feels better than actually winning the Oscar.

The latest insane Titanic fan theory: Jack Dawson is a time traveler. (We prefer our theory about alternate timelines, but not bad.)

Louis CK & Cathy comics become one in Cathy CK

This Is What Happens When You Repost an Instagram Photo 90 Times is actually a lovely little demonstration of how JPEG artifacts, edge detection, automatic sharpening, and whatever else Instagram does by default to photos stacks up to quickly make an image decay and deteriorate via processing. The video demonstrates the effects in a nice quick time-lapse way as well.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Video Round-Up: February 25, 2015

The cast of Disney‘s Frozen meets John Carpenter's 1982 sci-fi horror film The Thing in a claymation remake, created by Lee Hardcastle, of the gruesome blood test scene.
"A deleted scene from the Disney classic 'Frozen' as directed by John Carpenter."
Welcome to The Geek Art Gallery's daily Video Round-Up, in which we collect the geekiest videos from around the web each day for your enjoyment. Why slog through page after page of kitten and baby videos to find what you're looking for on video aggregators when you can cut straight to the chase here? Comedy sketches, countdowns, movie parodies, nerdy music, science in action, and supercuts - we've got it all!


Producer Adi Shankar, the man behind the Punisher short film "Dirty Laundry" and the animated Judge Dredd mini-series, has released a new video in his "bootleg" series of fan films.  This one, directed by Joseph Kahn is a dark retelling of the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers franchise featuring Katee Sackhoff of Battlestar Galactica fame.  In this piece, the Power Rangers are adults who have gone their separate ways, growing up and coping with their earlier service in various ways. But a convolution in a treaty with the Machine Empire pits the second Red Ranger against the rest of the team.

What's funny about this is that Kahn isn't even a fan of the Power Rangers, but it's absolutely riveting.  If Kahn had packaged this into a ninety-minute feature, it probably would have been a blockbuster.  He talks about the project in an interview with Hitfix.

The film is an  R-rated version of the kids' series.  The YouTube version above is SFW, but a version posted to Vimeo that was removed earlier today was an even funnier NSFW version.
"Deboot of the Power Rangers. My take on the FAN FILM. Not a pilot, not a series, not for profit, strictly for exhibition. This is a bootleg experiment not affiliated or endorsed by Saban Entertainment or Lionsgate nor is it selling any product. I claim no rights to any of the characters (don’t send me any money, not kickstarted, this film is free). This is the NSFW version.

Fan Film: Mad Max

This animated fan film is only forty-one seconds long, but I already want to see more animated Mad Max.
"In a world out of control, Only the Mad survive. Fan made Mad Max animation."

Short Film: Vagabond

"Vagabond" is a beautifully animated meditation on modern urban life.
"Graduation film from The Animation Workshop/VIA UC: Following his dog’s kidnapper through a relentlessly moving city, the warmhearted vagabond Dio discovers how far society has gone to keep up its pace."

Short Film: The Gift

"The Gift" is a short animated romance film. Without using words, the film explores the experience of falling in and out of love.  It's a simple but sincere piece.

Short Film: The Boy who Couldn't Sleep

"The Boy who Couldn't Sleep and Never had To" is a coming-of-age science fiction film created as a proof-of-concept. In it, a comic book fan boy reveals his newly discovered super power to his high school friends. He can bring the things he imagines to life, but when word of his condition leaks, he's forced to go on the run from government agents. The film stars Tony Revolori (The Grand Budapest Hotel, Dope) and Jack Quaid (The Hunger Games) and was helmed by Mystery Team director Dan Eckman.

While it's not the greatest comic book film, it offers an intriguing glimpse into a larger world that I, for one, would love to see explored in-depth.

Tech: Astromech Droid

Astromech Droid by Wiltshire, UK-based Podpadstudios

This Star Wars R11.E1. Astromech droid, nicknamed Zoe for the Caprica character, was created by UK-based prop house Podpadstudios.  Their blog has the gagillion photos that tell you this was a passion project and not just another job.  I really admire the unique variation on the standard R2 design.   You can see in the video below that Zoe is a real beauty.

Tech: R2-D2 Computer Case

This may be a bit of over-kill for a computer case, but prop house Podpad Studios created this very elaborate R2 unit to serve in lieu of a computer tower.  It features motion-activated sound effects, a built-in VGA monitor, a swiveling IR web cam in its periscope, and lots and lots of lights.  Click through to see a ton of build photos.

Tech: TRON Legacy N64 Console

Tron custom design? Oh, there’ll be no stopping you now, User.

Tech: Nintoaster Console

Shiny appliances and breakfast food come together with an 8-bit classic Nintendo system to create a retro marvel of a gaming console.

Tech: R2-D2 Video Game Droid

This little droid packs eight consoles, an integrated sound system, and a video projector.  From the controllers, I'm guessing it contains an X-Box, Sega Genesis, PlayStation, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, and Atari.  The only thing missing an internal kegerator filled with Mountain Dew.

De Vitis began by simply modifying a an R2-D2-shaped Pepsi cooler to make it look more like the droid we all know and love.  Then came the process of gutting his consoles and arranging their motherboards inside the droid body so that all of the controllers could plug into their corresponding inputs from the front.  Finally, he jimmied the projector into R2’s dome last, so that it would work like the droid in the movies.  I guess that means that you need to sit next to R2 while you're playing.

For tons of photos of the system, click through to De Vitis' website.

Infographic: Planets in Foreign Languages

"The Solar System in Other Languages" by Manchester, England-based artist James Chapman
Prints available for purchase from Etsy. £6.00
"We are all on Planet Earth.  OR ARE WE?

If you speak English, then you're probably right. But different languages have different names for planets and some of them sound way more cool and sci-fi than the English ones.

When the aliens come, I'd rather introduce myself as being from Planet Ziemia because it sounds a lot more mysterious than regular boring "Earth"

Anyway, the same goes for the other planets and they're all adorably illustrated here."

Infographic: Que la Force soit avec toi

Que la Force soit avec toi

"Que la Force soit avec toi" by Manchester, England-based artist James Chapman

Who cares what they call a Big Mac in France?  I wanna know what they call the Millennium Falcon ("MillĂ©nium Condor") so I can scope out geeky blogs in two languages.

Humor: College is Like Preschool

"According to Devin" is rapidly becoming one of my favorite web comics.  However, he did forget to tack on the all important fifth reason, "Adults universally patronizes you," and the sixth reason, "Everyone's always asking you want you want to be when you grow up."

Sci-Fi Round-Up: February 25, 2015

Interview: Barnes & Noble, and interviews Neil Gaiman, author of Trigger Warning.

Interview: Buzzfeed interviews Laurie Halse Anderson, author of The Impossible Knife of Memory. She says adults should read YA: “It can also give them insight into some of their own stuff, some of their own sadness and sorrows, and shine a light on maybe some work that they need to do emotionally, which is very helpful. And also, the writing’s amazing.”

Interview: Jeff VanderMeer interviews Monica Byrne, author of The Girl in the Road.

Interview: Locus Online interviews Kameron Hurley, author of The Mirror Empire.

Interview: Scott Sigler interviews Pierce Brown, author of Red Rising.

Interview: Straylight Literary Magazine interviews Greg Bear, author of War Dogs.

News: 2014 Nebula Awards Nominees Announced, with Free Fiction links

News: AMC To Bring New Sci-Fi Series Humans To Cable Television in 2015

Comic Round-Up: February 25, 2015

X-Men Vs Marvel Villains by Giuseppe Camuncoli

"X-Men Vs Marvel Villains" by Giuseppe Camuncoli

Interview: JP Ahonen on drawing bears, Sing no Evil and the Finnish comics scene

Interview: Mike Carey and Peter Gross Close Out The Unwritten

5 All-Ages Comics That Could Be The Next BIG HERO 6

5 of the Best and Worst Comic Book TV Show Costumes

Could Gotham Really Kill a Core Batman Character

Gotham is Trying Too Hard for Its Winter Soldier Moment

Jim Zub on how creator owned comics economics have improved

The Joker's New Origin Explored in Video Breakdown

Matt Wagner The Spirit Art Goes Up For Auction At ComicsPro

Super Powers You Don't Actually Want: Super Speed

Was Fantastic Four the First TRUE Sci-Fi Superhero Film?

Why Are People Still Surprised That Aquaman Is A Badass?

Link Round-Up: February 25, 2015

Crazy Ivan by Victor Vercesi

"Crazy Ivan" by Victor Vercesi
Prints available for purchase from Society6. US$18

These Brilliantly Colored Bolivian Buildings Look Like Alien Spaceships

Do you think your Tumblr could make a good book? Here’s a chance to try a new (old) medium.

On the Care and Feeding of Writers.

Smart Pop Books considers Star Wars as Anime

Solving a Museum’s Bug Problem With Legos: An entomologist from London is using his favorite childhood toy to build a device that holds fragile insect specimens.

A Story That Could Only Be Told Online: Homestuck is one elaborate, self-referencing inside joke collapsed in a truly digital narrative. 

Want To Start A Webcomic? Here's The Best Advice Around

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Video Round-Up: February 24, 2015

"Some people say there's too much pork in this town. Frank Underwolf could not agree more. And that is why Mr. Underwolf is on a mission to huff and puff and blow down all the little pigs' houses. In this town, you have to know which way the wind is blowing, and unfortunately, for those little piggies, it's about to get very windy."
Welcome to The Geek Art Gallery's daily Video Round-Up, in which we collect the geekiest videos from around the web each day for your enjoyment. Why slog through page after page of kitten and baby videos to find what you're looking for on video aggregators when you can cut straight to the chase here? Comedy sketches, countdowns, movie parodies, nerdy music, science in action, and supercuts - we've got it all!

Posters: Dragon Age Inquisition

Dragon Age Inquisition Art Prints from Cook & Becker
Prints available for purchase from Bioware. US$40

Humor: Batman Being A Great Detective

"Batman's 7-Step Guide To Being A Great Detective"
Created by Andy Kluthe and Andrew Bridgeman of Dorkly

I've completely disagreed with the characterization of Batman as "World's greatest detective" for quite a while. I mean the guy's principal occupation is matching the M.O. of a crime to the gimmick of one of Gotham's twelve or fifteen villains. I can't help but think that if Bruce Wayne donated the money that he would otherwise spend on being a vigilant to Arkham Asylum so that they could re-vampe their security, Gotham would be a whole lot safer. For that matter, if the dude would just sit outside Arkham to intercept the criminal as they escaped, he'd be a whole lot more effective, too.

Comic Round-Up: February 24, 2015

Doctor Strange by Titancross

"Doctor Strange" by Singapore-based Titancross

Infographic: Who Will Fight in Marvel's INFINITY WAR?

Interview: Jared Leto describes his Joker as "a beautiful disaster"
Interview: Lee Bermejo gives us a sneak peak and his upcoming series, Suiciders.
Interview: Matt Kindt Talks Ninjak and Divinity

News: Image announces sci-fi horror series Injection from Warren Ellis
News: Takashi Miike To Direct Live Adaptation Of Gory Sci-Fi Manga Terra Formars

6 Disappointing Ways Kingsman Differs From the Comics, and 4 Ways It Improves Upon Them

10 Long-Running Comics That Have Never Been Renumbered

11 lesser-known Batman villains we'd love to see on Fox's Gotham

The 15 Directors We'd Most Like to Put Their Own Spin on a Superhero Movie

Could This Be the DC Movie Green Lantern?  Probably not, but we can hope.

James Gunn addresses superhero slams at awards shows

Marvel's latest Secret Wars comic is basically a police procedural loaded with Thors

Link Round-Up: February 24, 2015

Acrylic on canvas.

Interview: Emily Yen, the designer of the SciFi Preview Museum

HeyUGuys hails It Follows as "a new horror masterpiece" and discusses its fresh use of tropes.

How impressionism was saved from obscurity

Inspired by a comic by SMBC's Zach Weiner, Festival of Bad Ad Hoc Hypotheses (aka BAHFest!),  is "a celebration of well-researched, logically explained, and clearly wrong evolutionary theories," such as Emma Kowal's theory that yawning evolved in our hunter-gatherer ancestors to be a highly efficient method of bug-consumption. Winners are awarded a sculpture of Darwin shrugging skeptically.

Remembering Robotech: A detailed history of the '80s anime cross-over that changed everything

A second look at the beautiful Production Design nominee slides used before the presentation of the award by Chris Pratt and Felicity Jones at the Oscars.  Read more about the Creative Team Behind Those Stylish Graphics.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Video Round-Up: February 23, 2015

"Getting a coffee in San Francisco isn't what it used to be."

Welcome to The Geek Art Gallery's daily Video Round-Up, in which we collect the geekiest videos from around the web each day for your enjoyment. Why slog through page after page of kitten and baby videos to find what you're looking for on video aggregators when you can cut straight to the chase here? Comedy sketches, countdowns, movie parodies, nerdy music, science in action, and supercuts - we've got it all!

Short Film: Mail Order

I'm not entirely certain how to classify "Mail Order."  You could call it science fiction or romance, but the truth is it's mostly just creepy as hell.  This silent film is the story of a man who receives a living doll in the mail.  He poses her, he grooms her, and then, he falls in love with her... maybe.  The emotional landscape of a man who orders a woman through the mail is a bit unclear, but it helps if you tell yourself that the whole film is a game played by a loving, consenting couple one Sunday afternoon.
"A lonely man purchases a love-doll online, coming in the form of a dedicated actress. Things get weird quick."

Short Film: Over the Moon

"Over the Moon" directed by James Cunningham Media Design School

"Over the Moon" is a retrofuturistic short animated film about The Comic Book Factory's heroine Connie Radar, the first woman to walk on the Moon, and her robot sidekick, Julius. In it, the pair attempt to prevent the 1969 lunar landing.  The visual effects were put together by students at Auckland's Media Design School.
"A feminist space adventure about kick-ass comic book heroine Connie Radar as she attempts to prevent the first moon landing. Award-winning director James Cunningham and the talented visual effects students at Auckland's Media Design School bring The Comic Book Factory heroine Connie Radar and her bumbling sidekick Julius to life for this intergalactic comedy."

Short Film: Running the Gammatar

"Running the Gammatar" Written and Directed by Joe Kramer

"Running the Gammatar"is a weird little short film about a city under constant attack from a fire-breathing kaiju.  Call it science fiction or call it comedy, either way it's super weird.
"'Running the Gammatar' is an award-winning indie comedy about a group of self-centered 20-somethings trying to navigate their way through relationships in a city that's under constant attack from a giant, fire-breathing Japanese monster."

Quick Pic: Star Wars Stair Crawl

Via: Reddit
"So the stairs at a bar I went to last had the rolling credits to Star Wars up the stairs"

Short Film: The Follower

"The Follower" by Christian Wenger

Here's a super brief horror film centered around social media.

Short Film: Derelict

"Derelict" is a dark action thriller set against the backdrop of a science fiction premise. Set in a future in which water is a precious commodity, "Derelict" follows the flight of a fugitive seeking his son amidst the political turmoil of a world dying of thirst. It's a fast-pace film that suffers from an overly complex backstory. It seems clear that it's based on a script intended to be developed into a larger project, but as it stands, its storyline is a bit of a jumble.
"It's 2025 and the Water Wars ravage Europe. A notorious prisoner of war is on the run, pursued by trained killers. Cornered, he takes an old man hostage in a last ditch attempt at freedom."

Lego Creation: Finn

Adventure Time: Lego Finn by Volatile Vertex

LEGO Finn Minifig (from Adventure Time) by Volatile Vertex

Oh my God, this is such a tease.  Why would you model a Finn Minifig without a Jake or a Princess Bubblegum?  I need to see the whole set!

Lego Creation: Imperial Probe Droid

Imperial Probe Droid by Clement Lim (aka Dark Grey Matters)

Despite being one of the most recognizable droids in the Star Wars Universe, the Imperial Probe Droid from The Empire Strikes Back rarely garners the love his fellow droids do, but if AFOL Clement Lim (aka Dark Grey Matters) gets his way, there may one day be an official Imperial Probe Droid LEGO set.

This twelve-inch tall prototype is composed of about 550 pieces, and it's an impressively accurate recreation.  Cast your vote to support the release of the set over at the LEGO Ideas website!

Lego Creation: Sarlacc’s Nectar

Sarlacc's Nectar

Created for the 13th Star Wars contest at the TechlUG forum.

I'm a big fan of fan head canon - fans augmenting the official canon of their favorite franchise with back stories of their own.  Illustrating a head cannon with a LEGO diorama is taking cannon to a whole new level, though.  In this build, Daniel Stoeffler explains the origins of Sarlacc’s Nectar – the original Jawa juice – which is apparently extracted from the stomach of Tattoine's notorious Sarlacc.

Stoeffler's head cannon involves Boba Fett using the futuristic moonshining operation to escape his close encounter with the monstrous maw.  You can read the whole story over at Eurobricks, and check out many more detailed photos of this build in Stoeffler's Flickr album.

Paintings: NOT the Droid you're looking for

"NOT the Droid you're looking for" by Brooklyn, New York-based Lou Pimentel
Prints available for purchase from BigCartel. US$25

I've always had my suspicions about R2...

Paintings: Gundam Watercolor

Gundam Watercolor

"Gundam GP01 in watercolor" by Spain -based Hector Trunnec (Trunnec)
Gundam illustration in watercolor and ink. Based on Gp01 perfect grade

It's amazing how well Trunnec captured the technological aspect of the Gundam in watercolor.  The whole thing is very professional.  I wish he sold prints.

Paintings: Lightning Watercolor

"I played FF XIII-2 Demo few days ago, what can I say... AWESOME!!!
My first upload in 2012: here is a watercolor painting of Lightning."

Posters: Star Wars Travel Posters

Star Wars Travel Posters by Troy Jensen

Star Wars Travel Posters by Troy Jensen
Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$34.99

Posters: Harry Potter Travel Posters

Harry Potter Travel Posters by Lindsay Craig

Harry Potter Travel Posters by Lindsay Craig
Prints available for purchase from Etsy. US$12

Posters: The Desk of Mr Stark

The Iron Man by Rob Loukotka

"The Desk of Mr Stark" by Rob Loukotka
Limited edition prints available for purchase from Fringe Focus. US$45
"This 36″ screen printed poster is FULL of easter eggs and fun details from Iron Man 1,  2, and 3. As such, it’s a bit anachronistic (or timeless). There’s some legacy items like the Mark 3 suit and faceplate, Tony’s original arc reactor from the cave, etc. There’s also nods to improved tech (the clear screens), and even a glimpse into the future (one of the screens indicates he is researching Vibranium, which supposedly is what Ultron is after in the upcoming Avengers 2)."

Posters: Ink Blot Comic Book Heroes

Ink Blot Comic Book Heroes by Edward Moran II

Ink Blot Comic Book Heroes by Edward Moran II
Prints available for purchase from Society6. US$17.68

Posters: Justice

Justice by Chris Skinner

"Justice" by Chris Skinner
Limited edition prints available for purchase from Hero Complex Gallery.